Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Start of Something New

Dear all,
I have officially moved to
I suppose I've grown up, and its probably time to move on.
I was looking at my old blog posts, and came across the first ever post I've made, back then when I was 14, and getting ready for my PMR.
My, how things have changed.
Then, I was a growing kid, still raving about using shortcuts while writing sentences. E.g. OMG, u, ur, btw, thx, etc.
Now, I can proudly say I write/type/text in full sentences, with MINIMAL shortcuts, none if I can help it.
Then, I was some girl, who talked like everyone on the street.
Now, I can also proudly say, I speak better, fluently, and PROPERLY. hahaha.
Okok, enough boasting about myself. I'm starting to feel like some pompous moron. I hope to catch all of you in my new blog then.
Cheers. :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Iman!

Oh and by the way,

Happy Birthday, Iman dearest! :D! I KNOW you'll have a blast! And a big surprise... ;-) Hahaha!

And also,

for tomorrow, since I won't be here to wish anyone through the web...

Happy Birthday to my dearest Kak Nik, and also to my dearest Cik Sri Devi. May you both have a blast! :D!

Love you all.

Happy Bizzare Logic Season!

Well, today's NOT exactly Bizzare Logic Day, its probably on the day I posted up the Chronicles. Can't remember now. You must be wondering what on EARTH is Bizarre Logic Day. The three words said it all! Whatever that is BIZZARE...and LOGICAL...would be a great contribution for the aforementioned occasion! Hahaha! Right now, I can't think of anything bizzare yet logical, though I am sure I can poke my Granpa Daryl to come up with something...again. hee hee. The last time he did, I totally forgot to save it! But since I had changed Bizzare Logic Day to Bizzare Logic Season...I'll be posting things up as I see fit.

I'll be leaving to Johor tonight. Another choir tour performance there. The last one for us seniors (minus the Konsort). Hopefully we'll all reach there and come back in one piece. *prays* We'll be performing at the RTM in Johor. We've been told that the accoustic is not good there. Ugh. Darn. Means more work for the tummy and the little voicebox in our throats. Hahaha. Hmm...I'm already thinking of Johor Laksa and other Johor specialities. Oh dear. I better go revise my checklist, see if I've forgotten anything!

Will update you when I return from Johor.

Til then!


Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I am at work.

And I am PLAGUED with slight food poisoning.

And I suspect it might be the lamb chop I had in Sg.Long Club House. Oh man. *groans* :-(

I feel like throwing up. But I get hungry. And when I eat, I'll feel like throwing up after. Even now, I still feel like that. Darn. I don't like this. Not one bit.

I hope I'm not getting Salmonella. That'd be scarryyyyy. Especially when you've done research on Salmonella and presented it right in front of class. Ahhh! I don't want to get infected with whatever stomach flu!!! I want my healthy stomach backkk!! WahhhHH! *cries*

Mom thinks I should visit a doctor. But I have no time! After this, I have a class at 5.45 pm til 7.45pm. Then right after that, I have choir from 8pm til (god knows) maybe 10.30-11pm. Then, its home, and what can I do after midnight? Maybe clean my room a little, and get ready for the next day. What a routine. Now I can't wait for the holidays! Whee!

I shall update all of you when I come back from choir, or something. Or maybe tomorrow. Ah!


P.S. Any more contributors for The Chronicles of a Dull Boy and a Bimbo? Lol.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Chronicles of a Dull Boy and a Bimbo.

Greetings, my fellow friends.

I am going to start on a silly project, one "inspired" by my 'Granpa Daryl', who has been the source of imagination, light of my life, the ol' and wise who would keep my spirits high throughout the day, through rain or shine.

The title of this project is (as above): The Chronicles of a Dull Boy and a Bimbo.

In this project, we shall name the Dull Boy as *Jack and the Bimbo as *Jill.

This is a love story between Jack and Jill.

Jack is a Dull Boy, because he discusses serious issues, despite his young age. Many finds him weird and strange because of his seriousness. He's matured way beyond his years.

Jill, a Bimbo, is...well...a Bimbo. (Granpa Daryl, I'll never forgive you for this!!)

What I need YOU (yes, you there, reading this) to do... is to complete this chronicle for me. You can come up with all sorts of conversations, ideas, stories, qoutes, etc. ANYTHING! Just to spice this Chronicle up. Once I've decided that we are done, I shall post up the creativeness of how this Chronicle is created. This might be the silliest thing you've ever done, and there really isn't a point in this somehow, but the motive is just to perk you bored people up,(yes, you are bored, because if you are not, you won't be reading my blog at this very moment, hah!) and add some laughter in this blog of mine. It's been some time since I feel laughter and exuberance emitting from my blog.

Anyway, I'm going to start the opening quote for the Chronicle first, thanks to Gramps, he came up with this brilliant excerpt:

Jack: You know, it's really nice to know you. especially since when INTEREST RATES go up, the economy will start to CONTRACT but seeing your smile makes my day!

Jill: Yes, everybody tells me of their INTEREST in me but i RATE them all the same...borrriiinnngggg. And talking about CONTRACTs, I think I will sign up for that new Digi promo with free sms

Jack: Er...yeah...I think. Let's go out together.

Jill: Aren't we already out now, you moron?

...excerpt of conversation between Jack and Jill the first time they met (from The Chronicles of Jack & Jill).

Hahaha! (I have a feeling only I alone, am laughing to this)...Oh well, this is one of the latest invention, feel free to drop in your own ideas.

P.S. Foul, obscene, raunchy and any other ideas which I deem inappropriate shall be deleted without a second thought. HAH!

Quoting my dear Gramps, "Let the creative juices flow!"

Cheers. :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Break Me.

Friends. A universal thing. Everyone has it. Whether you like it or not, someway or somehow, you're bound to have one. Even the Christmas Grinch has one. I suppose there are many types of friends. You have your hi-bye friends, close buddies, best friends, friends-for-life slumber mates, etc.. Not forgetting you may have one or two complicated ones as well. Usually, the complicated friends are the ones who display the most irony. These are the friends that are hazardous to your health (mentally), yet you know that somehow, they are a part of you. No matter how ridiculous they get, you know that you'd somehow take their crap. But...when your head starts to clear out...and suddenly you find..there's a limit to everything. No matter how dear anyone is to you, say your parents, sisters, friends...there is always a limit.

And then comes the million dollar question. Should you suck it all in, or...should you just let go? Then you realize...both ways, you lose. In this cruel game, you never win. suddenly see a loophole. That loophole has its thorns as well. would have to know, to measure, how important that friend to you is. If the importance is insignificant to you, all you have to do is just let go. But..what if, that friend means a lot to you? You don't know why she/he is important, you just know that a part of you will change without that person even though it may only be a small change. Letting go...would hurt. So much that even you're not sure of. If you choose to hold on, it may destroy you and probably the both of you.

I know what you're thinking, just let go. Why the trouble? You're going to lose anyway. Both ways would still hurt. And at this point, my mind drifts back to the start. What have I done wrong from the beginning? The answer hits me like a lightning bolt.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Turning Point

Finally! It's like a dream come true (not exactly)...My first ever paycheck! =D! And I earned that all by myself, hah! Well, I don't suppose that it's something I can be truly proud of, it's just something that I sorta earned it with my efforts, more or less. Since I started work, it hasn't been hectic, or difficult YET. But now I'm getting the hang of it, and I'm in it for the long haul...I gotta learn fast. Life's been..slightly interesting, now that I have something to occupy my time with, albeit the routine. Yes, I dislike the whole 'daily routine' thing, it's something that I can get used to very fast, and then I can already see my whole future stretched out before me...lifeless and boring. For now, it's okay, since I'm really not doing anything. Everything is starting to slowly evolve, myself mostly, but..there's still one thing that's not evolving and I don't think it will, at least for the next decade few years or so. *frowns*

I've been dying to meet my friends, (ok, so 'dying' isn't quite the right word, hmm) though I see them almost every week now. Still, I suppose it's the For me to realize that I still have that bit of freedom with me. Other than that, you might want to think that I feel like a little birdie, still trapped in that golden cage and almost oblivious to the wide world out there.

Have you ever feel like you desperately want to grow up quickly? I used to hate the idea of growing up. I've always wanted to stay as I am, and in the comfort of my parents' protection, never needing to worry about anything at all, maybe except school. And THEN, I started growing up! To my dismay at that time. I didn't want to be old, or have to worry about being old, and worry about every other thing that evolves around me! Again, to my dismay (or shall I say good fortune?) I start to see things in a different light, and found that growing up has its advantages. I start appreciating the good ol' brain that's been with me all these years, and I try to learn to see without judgement. Of course,I have to admit, it wasn't easy at first, especially since I've been brought up in a society that (whether you like it or not) judge people, and quite sternly at that too. Of course, when there's a will, there's a way and so, I sorta kinda pushed the judgement part of me aside and see things in a neutral way. Of course, the judgement part has its pros and cons, but if I ever have to judge someone, I would certainly prefer to judge one by learning about that person than to judge simply by the cover, won't you agree?

And so, back to the point that I was trying to make, but as usual, I got distracted. One part of me is feeling the need to be free. Free to make choices, free to make mistakes, and free to learn from the mistakes I made. But..when you have parents like mine, (not saying it's a bad thing), they'd wouldn't want you to make mistakes at all, they'd want to protect you from any if possible, and try to make their child's life as perfect as it can be. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I was a spoiled brat, I wouldn't quite care at that point. Well, I guess life's unfair. You will never truly get what you most desire. Nothing can be done, except be thankful and content with all that you have now. I believe, when you find contentment, you'll find what you truly desire. Contentment. *winks*

"Enjoy youth while you can", they say. But I can you truly enjoy it..when you know that you're still trapped in the protective, comfortable, golden cage?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

33 Things Kids Should Do Before They're 10.

Okay, forgive my loooooonggg absence. And also, forgive my impudence for wanting to share this piece of article with all of you. I took it off MSN website. I think it should be known to the world, this article! All for the good of the kids. *shines*

33 Things Kids Should Do Before They're 10:

1. Roll on your side down a grassy bank.
(okay,when I was a kid, there wasn't any grassy bank. Though I MAY have done this one. *hopes*)

2. Make a mud pie.
(A mud pie? Worry not,for mud pie is not made of MUD. More like CHOCOLATE! Yummy. Unfortunately, I haven't accomplish this.)

3. Make your own modelling dough mixture.
(Nope, not yet.)

4. Read under a bedcovers with a torch.
(Ah-hah! This I have done! Definitely! *grins* *shhh!* Don't let my mom know! Tee hee.)

5. Make perfume from flower petals.
(OooH! This is interesting, I'd like to try this someday!)

6. Grow cress on a windowsill.
(Hmm, I may have grown cress before but not on a windowsill. More like the balcony.)

7. Make a papier mâché mask.
(I have no idea what this is but after Googling it, this is what I got. How to make papier mâché. Sounds like hard work.)

8. Build a sandcastle.
(How I wished. The last time I went to a beach...hmm...I have memories of me tasting the salt water, but that's it.)

9. Climb a tree.
(AHH! Something I have always wanted to do, even NOW! If only there was a tree that I could climb! My mom knew how to climb a tree! No fair! Hmph!)

10. Make a den in the garden.
(What garden? lol.)

11. Make a painting using your hands and feet.
(OooH! Hand painting, I've done. Back in school. Feet? Interesting. ;-) )

12. Organise your own teddy bears' picnic.
(Now why didn't I thought about that? They still clutter around my bed, today.)

13. Have your face painted.
(Would be interesting to have it painted.)

14. Play with a friend in the sand.
(Hmm, as long as they don't kick sand into my face, I'm perfectly fine with that. Though, it happened anyway.)

15. Make some bread.
(Mom wouldn't let me into the kitchen back then.)

16. Make snow angels.
(It doesn't snow in Malaysia! I think I tried it when I was in Korea, but oh no, it wasn't snowing that much yet when I was there. Pity.)

17. Create a clay sculpture.
(Hey! Cool! I'd go do one now! :D!)

18. Take part in a scavenger hunt.
(Why didn't anyone organise a scavenger hunt when I was a kid???)

19. Camp out in the garden.
(Again, WHAT garden??)

20. Bake a cake.
(I can bake a cake, NOW. Not then. Like I said, my mom thinks I'd burn the kitchen down. She still does now.)

21. Feed a farm animal.
(This, I should do!)

22. Pick some strawberries.
(Hmm, going to Cameron Highlands would've been a good idea.)

23. Play Pooh sticks.
(What are Pooh sticks? Someone enlighten me? :) )

24. Recognise 5 different bird species.
(The only birds I could identify here in KL are crows,pigeons, what else?)

25. Find some worms.
(Worms? My nephew found some. Lol.)

26. Ride a bike through a muddy puddle.
(I still have some slight phobia riding a bike.)

27. Make and fly a kite.
(I believed I flew one before, but not make one.)

28. Plant a tree.

29. Build a nest out of grass and twigs.
(This would be an interesting activity! If the birds can do it, so can we!)

30. Find 10 different leaves in the park.
(Back then, I was more interested in the playground, then the leaves.)

31. Grow vegetables.
(I lived in a condo, as a kid, where am I to grow vegetables? But it wasn't impossible. Just didn't thought about it.)

32. Make breakfast in bed for your parents.
(Hee hee hee...)

33. Make a mini assault course in your garden/the park
(Now this sounds like a lot of work, but once it's done, I'm very sure it's well worth it.)

Okay, THAT'S IT! Whatever I have done, or have not done...I'm making my kids do them! This is definitely an experience not to be missed! I mean, come on! Things that I never got to do...I have to say, is truly something I regret. Living in a perfect, protective bubble, to have things spoon-fed to you...isn't something I'd call a perfect childhood. Then again, there is the comfort of being protected, but, one must live life to the fullest! Even kids! Don't you all agree? :) Nothing's perfect, but as long as we're happy, it becomes perfect. Hehehe, I feel I may not make sense, but oh well! You get the drift.


Friday, July 11, 2008


What's interesting, you ask. Honestly, I have no idea myself. I've been stuck at home. I have Ernest hounding me over the phone, trying to get me to go out. Sorry,my dear,it's not that I don't want to go out, you know very well I can't. Not yet, anyway.

Anyway, guess what I found while browsing yesterday? Read THIS!!

Chocolates are becoming extinct!!! AHH! The love of my life, the core of my existence! Noooooo!!!

*Forgive me, I'm exaggerating, as usual.*

And then there's another psychotic guy who bitten OFF another man's nose at a Burger King drive-through. *shudders*

You know what I realized? People are looking forward to the future, yes. But the way they are right now? They're worse than Neanderthals, back in Ice Age. Hmm, Homo homosapiens are deteriorating. The world is dying.

Monday, July 07, 2008


It's just because I'm listening to 'Forever' by Chris Brown now. The song is addictive.

I wonder how people actually have the 'will' to blog about their daily happenings. I used to be quite nonsensical. I blogged about EVERY detail, almost. When I read them now, it bored me to tears. My own story. Throughout the years, I got smarter and stopped. But, suddenly, I don't seem to have anything to blog about anymore. I'm not quite an avid blogger, but I'm not quite willing to stop. I've started this when I was about 14. Now I'm 18, and 4 years is quite a long time. Time passes by so quickly. Maybe the reason why I've decided to keep this blog, is maybe one day, any of my friends may come across it and see the recent updates of my life.

I was out with Peh Lin and gang on Saturday. It was her farewell, she's leaving to Australia for studies. So we were talking and we came across the famous 'topic'. We were just saying how difficult it is for us to keep in touch. It's not that we don't want to, somehow it's different. If we were all to meet up, the night will never end with so many conversations to catch up on. However, if we were to just meet and talk over MSN, the conversation will not last. Here's how it'll go, typically:

A: Hey! How are you? I haven't seen you for so long etc.

B: Hey, i'm fine, thanks. What about you? Etc.

A: Oh i'm fine too, how's life, what are you doing now? etc.

B: I'm doing bla bla bla...etc. You?

A: Wow that sounds great, I'm currently on some bla bla bla...etc.

B: That's nice...etc.

*The conversation will then trail off, or worse, stops abruptly right there*

If you're creative enough and have all the time in the world, you'll probably come up with something good to talk about. Most of the time, everyone will be busy catching up with other people (you're not the only friend we have, you know) or busy finishing up assignments etc. Stuff like that. I'm sure you know what I mean. So yeah, don't you agree, it's so much easier to meet up and hang out, than to converse over MSN? The bonds between us are there, they never did break, we just need to tighten them every once in a while.

It's only natural that there's never enough time to do something. Time is the LIMITING FACTOR. We have all the tools we need, we just need to be smart to how we want to use it. Friendships can travel from country to country, through a hundred thousand miles. One day, it will come to a full circle, and we will meet each other again. The plan now is to be sitting together, all of us, talking about what happened 10 years ago, and what happened throughout the 10 years apart.

Here's a small tribute to my dear best friend, Sharie, who's now in Maldives. :D!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The end and the beginning.

The end of 'A' Levels. Bye bye, A levels. Bye bye, Sayfol. Bye bye, to the crappy student's room. I won't miss you much, but I will miss what I've gained there. Right after my last paper yesterday (It was Chemistry 6), it was raining like mad and we finally hitched a ride with Usman to KLCC. We RAN for Incredible Hulk. We were probably 5 - 10 minutes late, but it was still GOOD. The movie was good! You guys should watch it! :D! Here are the moments, have a look and tell me what do you think about us. :)

BEFORE the paper:

The Fantastic Four. Not so fantastic, but Sweet Shara is. :)

You were saying...?

Feet. Or rather, 2 shoes, 2 slippers.

Ernest must've said something funny because I'm laughing like mad.

Nooooooo.... :P!

AFTER the paper:

Woo-hoo! Exams are over! Yeah! Now, where shall we go???

Wavy and not so wavy.

Candid of me, taken by Shara. :)

Ah, I'll miss all of you. And I'm sure there are more pictures but I can't find them now...Lol. Will update soon, there's more to come, before Shara leaves! *cries* There's dinner with Miss Nitya, dinner with Shara, and outings with THE gang. Hah!

Now...what shall I do...?

Sunday, April 06, 2008

A month has passed...

and I have not blogged in the entire month. Forgive me, I was busy. Busy studying, busy straightening my life, busy falling sick, busy...oh heck, I was just busy. Period.

There seems to be so many to share, in my blog. Then, doesn't seem significant enough to be put up. Such a pity. My last paper is Biology. This coming Monday. Hopefully I'll do ok. Ooo...then I have a long break from school, but not from studies! Of course, I'm going to allow myself some time to relax. All work and no play makes Zunny a dull girl. *he he*

Oh, by the way, I fell sick...AGAIN! This is probably the third time since this year! God, and on average, a healthy person only falls sick ONCE a year. It's barely half the year gone, and I'm already sick three times! It's proven. I'm unhealthy. Ahh! *cries*

Anyway, gonna log off now. Study more, finish exams, then I'll blog more. Hopefully with more interesting articles that will catch your eyes. :)

Sweet dreams.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lifeless. I don't have anything to post about these days. I'm supposed to be talking about my dearest, old and wise ex-addmath teacher but I still haven't got anything in my head, at this moment.

My trial exams are coming REAL soon. It's starting on the 31st March. I am SO doomed. *weeps*

I should study, study, study and ground myself. That however, never really works with me. But I have friends to help me. =) I will definitely need them dearly for the exams. My last battle. How dramatic.

Darn, I must be dull-er than I thought! There is absolutely no point in this post at all! Forgive me, if I've wasted your time, but all in all, I'm good so far, and I can't wait to see my old schoolmates again! Will post about that later!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Of Valentine's and Influenza.

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day!

It would be a lovely day, if I wasn't so sick. I've seen the doctor yesterday and she told me I have the flu. I didn't get any antibiotics so I suspect that I'm infected with Influenza virus. Grrreat! Sniffing, coughing, and slight fever are my ideal company for Valentine's. Where is Love, to cure me from ailment? To heal me from Suffering? (I'm being such a drama queen). Actually, I'm not really in pain or suffering but really, whoever enjoys being sick???

And to top it off, I have a concert to which I have to perform! All the way, until Sunday night. Barisan Budi Malaysia Concert. I'll be almost dead, by then. No, it's not over, even then! I have another concert to perform the following weekend! And practices will be almost every night! *faints* I will THEN, be dead, by the end of that week.

One thing's cool though. We were on TV last night! Woo-hoo! It's been a while since I popped into your grey box to say hello. *winks*

I will elaborate on this further, once I get my hands on those promised pictures.

So, Love is in the air. As they always say it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm spreading Influenza around, not love. As much as I want to spread love, that's not gonna happen now, unless you want to be as sick as I am. And I just realized that I've used the word 'as' 6 times. Though that's not really the point. In fact, I don't have a point. I just thought I would post something interesting about love since it's Valentine's. It's only once a year. I heard there's a day similar to Valentine's, but it's for the singles. Cool, innit? So, let me ask you. Do you know the history of Valentine's Day? There are many versions. But all of them evolved around Saint Valentine. Oh, the wonders of love.
Good morning to you, valentine;
Curl your locks as I do mine ---
Two before and three behind.
Good morning to you, valentine.
This is what children used to sing on Valentine's Day, hundred of years ago in England. Interesting, innit?
I think I shall log off now...will post back later.
P.S.: Does anyone know where I can get IGCSE Q&A books? For Maths and Accounts? Do let me know, please. Really appreciate it. Thanks.

Monday, February 04, 2008

My cookies and randomness.

Ok, so, I baked.


YES, I BAKED. Woo-hoo! Cookies! Chocolate chip cookies! And it didn't turn out half as bad. It was NOT BAD for first try. I was swelling with PRIDE! *shines*! :D

My lovely cookies. Mom and dad think they're not bad. Not bad at all. Zen loves the crunchier cookies, a.k.a. the darker brown ones. The lighter colour cookies are a tad too soft. But still tastes good! Ah, bliss! Though, I took almost forever to finish the entire 'baking session'. It really was long. The whole afternoon, I took. A baker would chastise me! Oh well, I'm in the process of learning so, it's really okay, isn't it? :P!

Facts about ME!
Tagged by Aileen

1. What colour pants are you wearing now?
Black and red.

2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
I don't care.

3. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?
One, yes. But he's a moron, so, god bless.

4. Do you have a best friend?
I think I have 1. But I have loads of close friends. =D!

5. Who was the last person you hugged?
Err, I think it was Shara. Or my sister.

6. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, for various reasons.

7. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
Never! Amazingly! I thought it was pretty gruesome!

8. Do you like your life?
Love it! Of course, I have my ups and downs. Still, life's been good so far.

9. Do you shop at Hollister?

10. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
Hah! No. Funny you should ask.

11. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
Lots of times! It's fun, isn't it, Iman? ;)

12.Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Does it matter?

13. How long have you had MySpace?
Never do, and never will.

14. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
No, I'm almost non-violent. XD!

15. What are your biggest fears?
Dying before I get to achieve my dreams. *wonders*

16. Has anyone close to you ever passed away?
As far as I can remember, not exactly.
But Yi Wen, I'll always remember you, even if we weren't close...

17. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Yes, I have.

18. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Yes, I have, as well.

19. Do you believe in the saying, “Once a cheater, always a cheater"?
Depends. Maybe, maybe not.

20. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
Yes, of course. =) I'm a happy person, most of the time.

21. Do you ever wish you were famous?
Hmm...not really. Fame can only bring you up till there, wherever it is.

22. Are you currently missing someone?

23. Please tag 5 people:
Zun Zen, Lien Yiny, Serene, Jeff Wong, Ros.

Ground rules:

1. link to person that tagged you and post rules
2. list 8 random facts about yourself then tag 8 people, and add a black and white photo.

8 random facts:
1) I love chocolates.
2) It's illegal for me to sit on guys laps. Duhh.
3) I talk a lot.
4) I think a lot too.
5) I'm actually sensitive and emotional.
6) I cry. Alone.
7) I miss school. As in, high school.
8) I need to buy more books to read!

Tags : Everyone else who bothers, because..I figure no one visits my blog anymore, so if you do, you are welcomed to do this.

And I don't have a black and white photo.

Friday, February 01, 2008

There is a small breeze. The air smelled sweet. I looked at the sky, smiled, and started to run. I picked up my pace and the air whipped around my face. It was...cooling, it was...good. I haven't run like this for so long, my legs felt...almost unfamiliar to me. Suddenly, I desperately miss the beach. I have the sudden urge along the beach. To taste the salty atmosphere. To hear the waves crashing on the shore. To reach out...and grasp the horizon.


Nothing much these days. Holidays are coming to an end. Unfortunately and fortunately. Unfortunately because, I WILL miss them, in a way. Somehow, sometime. Fortunately because, I am in need of activities to fill my almost dismal days. Not so dismal but...when you have nothing to do...and boredom starts to creep get what I mean. *winks*

So, in 3-4 days time, I finished both Twilight and New Moon by Stephanie Meyers. I thought it was pretty amazing. Now I can't wait to get my hands on Eclipse. Incredible, the way I can just not have any interest in those two books, (even when I bought New Moon for my sister for Christmas) for so long...and the way I fall real hard the moment I start flipping the page. Suddenly, I have so many books that I want to read and so little time! =P!

I think I shall continue reading 'The Odyssey' now. So if you don't mind...

*strolls away*

Friday, January 25, 2008

i'm baaaack!!!

WHEE!!! January exams are over! It's the holidays now! Yay! For the entire month, I've been studying my ass off for Jan exams. And guess what, I only have 8 days of exams but the timetable was magnificent. It streched all the way to 3 weeks! I'm glad it's all over now. However, I should start worrying about my results...when March comes. HAH!

So, as February dawns, I'm going to start working my ass off again...and not to forget, HAVE LOADS OF FUN! Because, you see, I'm very sure this is going to be a good year. For me, at least. Well, even if it's not, I'm going to make it GOOD. The best part? We're gonna plan for lots of activities in school. With the help of Miss Nitya, of course. Oh, and yeah, like I was saying, I'm gonna have to work hard for May/June exams.

You must be wondering, what kind of exams I'm doing. Finishing one, starting another. Lol.

Now, I need to find something interesting to do. If you will excuse me, I'll blog later, when I'm feeling like it again. ;)
