Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Start of Something New

Dear all,
I have officially moved to
I suppose I've grown up, and its probably time to move on.
I was looking at my old blog posts, and came across the first ever post I've made, back then when I was 14, and getting ready for my PMR.
My, how things have changed.
Then, I was a growing kid, still raving about using shortcuts while writing sentences. E.g. OMG, u, ur, btw, thx, etc.
Now, I can proudly say I write/type/text in full sentences, with MINIMAL shortcuts, none if I can help it.
Then, I was some girl, who talked like everyone on the street.
Now, I can also proudly say, I speak better, fluently, and PROPERLY. hahaha.
Okok, enough boasting about myself. I'm starting to feel like some pompous moron. I hope to catch all of you in my new blog then.
Cheers. :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Iman!

Oh and by the way,

Happy Birthday, Iman dearest! :D! I KNOW you'll have a blast! And a big surprise... ;-) Hahaha!

And also,

for tomorrow, since I won't be here to wish anyone through the web...

Happy Birthday to my dearest Kak Nik, and also to my dearest Cik Sri Devi. May you both have a blast! :D!

Love you all.

Happy Bizzare Logic Season!

Well, today's NOT exactly Bizzare Logic Day, its probably on the day I posted up the Chronicles. Can't remember now. You must be wondering what on EARTH is Bizarre Logic Day. The three words said it all! Whatever that is BIZZARE...and LOGICAL...would be a great contribution for the aforementioned occasion! Hahaha! Right now, I can't think of anything bizzare yet logical, though I am sure I can poke my Granpa Daryl to come up with something...again. hee hee. The last time he did, I totally forgot to save it! But since I had changed Bizzare Logic Day to Bizzare Logic Season...I'll be posting things up as I see fit.

I'll be leaving to Johor tonight. Another choir tour performance there. The last one for us seniors (minus the Konsort). Hopefully we'll all reach there and come back in one piece. *prays* We'll be performing at the RTM in Johor. We've been told that the accoustic is not good there. Ugh. Darn. Means more work for the tummy and the little voicebox in our throats. Hahaha. Hmm...I'm already thinking of Johor Laksa and other Johor specialities. Oh dear. I better go revise my checklist, see if I've forgotten anything!

Will update you when I return from Johor.

Til then!


Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I am at work.

And I am PLAGUED with slight food poisoning.

And I suspect it might be the lamb chop I had in Sg.Long Club House. Oh man. *groans* :-(

I feel like throwing up. But I get hungry. And when I eat, I'll feel like throwing up after. Even now, I still feel like that. Darn. I don't like this. Not one bit.

I hope I'm not getting Salmonella. That'd be scarryyyyy. Especially when you've done research on Salmonella and presented it right in front of class. Ahhh! I don't want to get infected with whatever stomach flu!!! I want my healthy stomach backkk!! WahhhHH! *cries*

Mom thinks I should visit a doctor. But I have no time! After this, I have a class at 5.45 pm til 7.45pm. Then right after that, I have choir from 8pm til (god knows) maybe 10.30-11pm. Then, its home, and what can I do after midnight? Maybe clean my room a little, and get ready for the next day. What a routine. Now I can't wait for the holidays! Whee!

I shall update all of you when I come back from choir, or something. Or maybe tomorrow. Ah!


P.S. Any more contributors for The Chronicles of a Dull Boy and a Bimbo? Lol.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Chronicles of a Dull Boy and a Bimbo.

Greetings, my fellow friends.

I am going to start on a silly project, one "inspired" by my 'Granpa Daryl', who has been the source of imagination, light of my life, the ol' and wise who would keep my spirits high throughout the day, through rain or shine.

The title of this project is (as above): The Chronicles of a Dull Boy and a Bimbo.

In this project, we shall name the Dull Boy as *Jack and the Bimbo as *Jill.

This is a love story between Jack and Jill.

Jack is a Dull Boy, because he discusses serious issues, despite his young age. Many finds him weird and strange because of his seriousness. He's matured way beyond his years.

Jill, a Bimbo, is...well...a Bimbo. (Granpa Daryl, I'll never forgive you for this!!)

What I need YOU (yes, you there, reading this) to do... is to complete this chronicle for me. You can come up with all sorts of conversations, ideas, stories, qoutes, etc. ANYTHING! Just to spice this Chronicle up. Once I've decided that we are done, I shall post up the creativeness of how this Chronicle is created. This might be the silliest thing you've ever done, and there really isn't a point in this somehow, but the motive is just to perk you bored people up,(yes, you are bored, because if you are not, you won't be reading my blog at this very moment, hah!) and add some laughter in this blog of mine. It's been some time since I feel laughter and exuberance emitting from my blog.

Anyway, I'm going to start the opening quote for the Chronicle first, thanks to Gramps, he came up with this brilliant excerpt:

Jack: You know, it's really nice to know you. especially since when INTEREST RATES go up, the economy will start to CONTRACT but seeing your smile makes my day!

Jill: Yes, everybody tells me of their INTEREST in me but i RATE them all the same...borrriiinnngggg. And talking about CONTRACTs, I think I will sign up for that new Digi promo with free sms

Jack: Er...yeah...I think. Let's go out together.

Jill: Aren't we already out now, you moron?

...excerpt of conversation between Jack and Jill the first time they met (from The Chronicles of Jack & Jill).

Hahaha! (I have a feeling only I alone, am laughing to this)...Oh well, this is one of the latest invention, feel free to drop in your own ideas.

P.S. Foul, obscene, raunchy and any other ideas which I deem inappropriate shall be deleted without a second thought. HAH!

Quoting my dear Gramps, "Let the creative juices flow!"

Cheers. :)