Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I am at work.

And I am PLAGUED with slight food poisoning.

And I suspect it might be the lamb chop I had in Sg.Long Club House. Oh man. *groans* :-(

I feel like throwing up. But I get hungry. And when I eat, I'll feel like throwing up after. Even now, I still feel like that. Darn. I don't like this. Not one bit.

I hope I'm not getting Salmonella. That'd be scarryyyyy. Especially when you've done research on Salmonella and presented it right in front of class. Ahhh! I don't want to get infected with whatever stomach flu!!! I want my healthy stomach backkk!! WahhhHH! *cries*

Mom thinks I should visit a doctor. But I have no time! After this, I have a class at 5.45 pm til 7.45pm. Then right after that, I have choir from 8pm til (god knows) maybe 10.30-11pm. Then, its home, and what can I do after midnight? Maybe clean my room a little, and get ready for the next day. What a routine. Now I can't wait for the holidays! Whee!

I shall update all of you when I come back from choir, or something. Or maybe tomorrow. Ah!


P.S. Any more contributors for The Chronicles of a Dull Boy and a Bimbo? Lol.


Sophia Az said...

Zunny! Get well soon! Please go see a doctor, prolonging something like that may just make it worse. Take care and make sure you go see the doctor, if you don't have time, MAKE time! This is your health we're talking about!

Biopolymath said...

Are you okay now?

Alex said...

Hey guus! thanks for your concern! I'm slightly better now, I've seen the doctor. She says its not so serious, so I need not worry. I've got my med, so worry not, I shall live! :D Thanks again!