Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Okay, changed my layout. I find this...very light and dreamy. Oh, yes. I'm a bit high. I had MARS BARS last night. Goodness, I'm really bored at home. That's pretty much nothing to do!! But...I've got the tickets for Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire tomorrow! Yippee! After much clicking and praying, I've finally managed to book the seats! He he...unfortunately, I have to rush back for tuition later. :-S! THAT'S the sad part. I'm longing to watch Zathura as well! Ah, I'm off to play Neopets now. Very bored. Till then.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
The boredness has got into me...
Hello everyone! I think the boredness has finally hit me hard on the head. I'm planning to change my template again. Though I'm sure no one really ever reads my blog...or visits it. Somehow, I've got a feeling that I'm just talking to myself. Seriously. Sad. Hmm...I think something's wrong with my Internet Explorer. I dunno. A friend of mine asked me today. Not really asked but exclaimed quite surprisingly when she saw that my blog was PINK. Good question. I wonder why...ah! I couldn't find a blue template or a black one that time. Something that really catches my eye. that so long had passed...TIME TO CHANGE! Alright now. Will stop here. Will continue later on.
Friday, November 11, 2005
I'm just so tired
I'm very worn out. I'm very tired. I don't want to fight anymore. Someone...please, end all these for me! I really can't take it anymore. I really want to cry. I can't find the cure anymore. I'm too numb to feel for it. . .
P.S. I know anyone reading this, you must feel that I'm stupid enough not to start the story. But, who cares? If you care, you'll ask me right out loud!
P.S. I know anyone reading this, you must feel that I'm stupid enough not to start the story. But, who cares? If you care, you'll ask me right out loud!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Lone Ranger
Today is a day when I finally got a chance to roam on the earthly grounds...all alone. Yup yup...a day when I just walked alone in a shopping mall. Actually it's not the first time but what I meant was...roaming alone even when my mum's at the same place...argh! Whatever...i think you get me ryte? Anyway, after Edboard's meeting at Great Eastern Mall...I went to Sungei Wang with my parents ...first of all, to get my mum's hair done. So, I strolled along the corridors, making my way to nowhere. So, there I was, wasting every second of my life walking around in rounds...going into shops and come back out 5 minutes later. I spent most of my time in MPH. Well, that's the only place that interest me greatly. You don't wanna hear the rest of it. It's really boring. Oh well, that's pretty much from me today. More later! Bye bye!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
EXAMS OVER! I'M FREE...well, not really!
Hey everyone! I'm back again! Ah...after almost 3 whole weeks of hardcore studying, I'm finally FREE!!! Yippee!! Lol! Hmm, but to think of it, I'm not exactly that free! I'm a bird which is tied to a string, trying to break free. What am I talking about anyway? goodness! I can't go to bed feeling alright. I felt as though something is missing! Like...not studying before falling asleep flat on the book! ha that exams are over, the results are slowly crawling out to kill us (softly), i wanna rock the world! Tee I could lar. Btw, I'm going to Korea at the end of the year! But...I'll miss the Form 1 Orientation this year!! Oopsie. lazy to blog on now. Will continue tomorrow! Bye bye!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Independence Day. . .In School~
I woke up, feeling a bit blurry as I had a nightmare the night before. Suddenly, all thoughts came flying back to my head: Today is a day in school where we celebrate our Independance Day (earlier) and our Hari Anugerah Koko. Then, another thought came across my mind. We all had to wear our 'traditional' clothings. No tight clothings, no high heels, can't over-accessorized. I put on my baju kurung. Never bother to accessorize. Lazy. Wore the not so high heels 'cause that's all that I've got which is not a high heel. Anyway, brought my PE clothes in case I wanna change. So, well...dragged myself to school feeling weird. Everything was quite normal. Then, we lined ourselves up (for those who're receiving the cert). After all the shake, smile, thank, grab, go...I made my way to the crowd to look for a space to sit. Oh, before that...I was asked to jot down notes for the report of the day...(EDBOARD!!!)...because P.Pui Man didn't turn up for school (as usual). So I had to do it. Doesn't matter. All the same. Jotting down notes so...don't really have the time to look for friends to sit with...or take pics of myself with friends...or take pics of ANYONE!...sad huh? Wait. Scratch that! I took a few pics of someone! Tee hee. Okay, so. *checks notes* Then, the Form 1's did their performance. A sketch. Which was quite ok. That's the last thing before recess...which I spent in the cafe. Ate my mooncakes. yummy! Lepak-ed in the library. Nothing to do. Boring! After that, went walking with Aileen, Jeff and Ebbe down to the Bomba Truck. Everyone was like monkeys...climbing the truck...up and down, playing with the horn, siren, p.a. system...the tools and everything was so cool! If I wasn't wearing heels...I would be delighted to climb the ladder and stuff. Hmph! After that, few more performances. Form 4's performance was GREAT!!!!!!!!! 3 cheers for it! Yeah! Go guys! It was so cool!!! One word: Grool! ;-)! Then a few more performances, few more laughters, few more prezzies to give away...then we start singing the patriotic songs...for a few times! Well...after that, that's the end. That's more about it. Really detailed entrie. Will be working on the report tomorrow. Lazy now. Goodnight. Happie Merdeka Malaysia!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
What a wormy day...
I am like the stupidest human on earth!!! I was...happily cleaning my room today. When I found...the most yuckiest things on Earth, contaminating my room. *Flashback* ...Got back from Millie's sister's wedding reception, took back "bunga telur"and put it on my decoration shelf. Unfortunately, I forgotten about the EGG in the glass. (damn!) Few weeks later, my room started to stink. It got worse. And I got fed up, I FINALLY traced the source of it. THE EGG!!!!! ARGH~!!!!!!!!! I raN out of my room, taking the rotten egg really carefully and threw it away...far far away!!!I sprayed the whole shelf with Shieldtox..(whatever you call it)...twice!!! And then i fell back on my bed, exhausted. Unfortunately, I forgotten all about it later.
Wanna know more? ...[will be continued]
Wanna know more? ...[will be continued]
Friday, August 26, 2005
A life of my own...NOT
A question to ponder: Do I actually have a life of my own? ...someone...please answer me through the comment thingy!
From my personal point of view, NO I DON'T. Shucks..gtg now. BYe bye
From my personal point of view, NO I DON'T. Shucks..gtg now. BYe bye
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Boredom's survey.
1. Full name : Wong Zun San
2. Nicknames : Zunny, San San, Alex..Blah...
3. Eyes : Dark brown
4. Height : 164cm
5. Hair : Black
6. Siblings : 2
7. Do u like to sing in the shower? : Errr.... no.
8. Do u like to sing in the toilet? : Definitely no.
9. Birthday: 22nd May 1990!!!
10. Sign : Gemini
11. Address : Hmm...I live in Taman Tar. (Fullstop)
12. Gender : Female
13. Righty or lefty : Righty
14. What do you want in a relationship most? : Loyalty, understanding, trust, care..bla..
15. Have you ever cheated on someone : As in? idea. Don't think so.
16. Martial status : Single
17. Do you have a car? : Nope.
18. What kinda car do you have/want? : Depends on what car I can afford when I'm old enough! :-P
19. Movie : Charlie And The Chocolate Factory! Can't think anymore.
20. Song : First Love (Utada Hikaru), Black Humour (Jay Chou), Dusk (Nicholas Teo), Simple Love (Jay Chou)...must you know everything?
22. TV Show : Changes all the time. Don't ask.
23. Actor : EDISON CHEN!!!
24. Actress : Em...not very sure.
25. Food : CHOCOLATES!!! (yummy!)
26. Number : 5...
27. Cartoon : ErM...ALL OF THEM! He he he...
28. Disney : Like I said...all of them...
29. Colour : Blue!!! White, Black, Purple...
30. Do you plan on having children : ^^"....I’m only 15.
31. Do you want to get married : ditto above
32. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child : ditto above
33. How old do u wanna be when your married : ditto above
34. Would you have kids before marriage: Never. The horror of it...
37. Do you have a crush : I prefer not to answer this...(lame)
38. Music/TV : Music
39. Guys/Girls : I'm not a bi. But really strange question.
40. Green/Blue : Blue
41. Pink/Purple : Purple
42. Summer/Winter : Winter
43. Night/Day : Night
44. Weird saying I have : Cool.
47. What school do u go to? : SMK Seri Bintang Utara.
48. Have you ever taken drugs? : Penicillin?
49. What's a major turn on for you? : What turn on? For what?
50. How far would you go on a first date? : I'll tell you when I go on one...
51. The PERSON you know who is...
Funniest : Well...a lot actually. I'll name one. My AddMaths teacher.
Happiest : Em...Mei Ying. Never seen her mad before.
Strangest : "Stationaries"
Most Caring : Em...I dunno lar.
Tallest : Audrey L., Sat, who else? Whoever as tall as them.
Smartest : Piriya.
Best All Around Person : teddy bear?? ^^"
52. Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? : 2 or 3 only. Azwin!!!
53. What do you think of soul mates? : I'll tell you when I find mine.
54. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? : Nope nope.
55. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? : You don't wanna know.
56. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? : Who cares?
57. Are you happy? : Yup yup...!
61. Silver or gold : Silver
62. Diamond or pearl: Diamond!
63. Sunset or sunrise : Well...both!
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping (to swim in the nude): No way.
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Yup yup!!
66. Do you have any piercings? : One on each ear.
68. What song are you listening to right now? : At the beginning (Donna Lewis & Richard Marx). Now changing to Dearest (Ayumi M.)
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? : Lol...em. Japan, Paris, practically, the whole world!
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? : I'll answer this after 10 years.
72. What's your favourite sport? : Basketball and swimming. Oh, and cycling.
74. What makes you happy? : CHOCOLATE!
75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get/buy? : none
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses? : Glasses
77. What's the best advice given to you? : Can’t remember.
78. Have you ever won any special awards? : Well...not really.
79. What are your future goals? : The road is not clear yet.
80. Worst sickness u ever had : ALL TYPES of sickness.
81. Do you like funny or scary movies better? : Funny
82. On the phone or in person? : In person
83. Hugs or Kisses? : Both.
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? : Hmm...good question.
85. If you die tomorrow who would u leave everything u own to? : My family (duh)
86. Do u have any enemies? : Don't think so.
87. What is your greatest fear? : Fear
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? : Rich.
89. What time is it in Albania now? : Ask yourself
90. Have you ever been in love? : Dunno.
93. When was the last time you talked to the person that you like : ^^" Must you know?
96. Do u have any pets? : Yeah, tortoise.
97. Are you an alcoholic? : Nope.
98. Who sent this to you? : Got it from Audrey.
99. What do you think of this person : COOL.
100. Do you want your friends to write back?: Write back? You can have THIS in your blog. I don't mind.
This is the most boring thingy I've ever done. Oooo..wait I've got one even more "cool".
2. Nicknames : Zunny, San San, Alex..Blah...
3. Eyes : Dark brown
4. Height : 164cm
5. Hair : Black
6. Siblings : 2
7. Do u like to sing in the shower? : Errr.... no.
8. Do u like to sing in the toilet? : Definitely no.
9. Birthday: 22nd May 1990!!!
10. Sign : Gemini
11. Address : Hmm...I live in Taman Tar. (Fullstop)
12. Gender : Female
13. Righty or lefty : Righty
14. What do you want in a relationship most? : Loyalty, understanding, trust, care..bla..
15. Have you ever cheated on someone : As in? idea. Don't think so.
16. Martial status : Single
17. Do you have a car? : Nope.
18. What kinda car do you have/want? : Depends on what car I can afford when I'm old enough! :-P
19. Movie : Charlie And The Chocolate Factory! Can't think anymore.
20. Song : First Love (Utada Hikaru), Black Humour (Jay Chou), Dusk (Nicholas Teo), Simple Love (Jay Chou)...must you know everything?
22. TV Show : Changes all the time. Don't ask.
23. Actor : EDISON CHEN!!!
24. Actress : Em...not very sure.
25. Food : CHOCOLATES!!! (yummy!)
26. Number : 5...
27. Cartoon : ErM...ALL OF THEM! He he he...
28. Disney : Like I said...all of them...
29. Colour : Blue!!! White, Black, Purple...
30. Do you plan on having children : ^^"....I’m only 15.
31. Do you want to get married : ditto above
32. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child : ditto above
33. How old do u wanna be when your married : ditto above
34. Would you have kids before marriage: Never. The horror of it...
37. Do you have a crush : I prefer not to answer this...(lame)
38. Music/TV : Music
39. Guys/Girls : I'm not a bi. But really strange question.
40. Green/Blue : Blue
41. Pink/Purple : Purple
42. Summer/Winter : Winter
43. Night/Day : Night
44. Weird saying I have : Cool.
47. What school do u go to? : SMK Seri Bintang Utara.
48. Have you ever taken drugs? : Penicillin?
49. What's a major turn on for you? : What turn on? For what?
50. How far would you go on a first date? : I'll tell you when I go on one...
51. The PERSON you know who is...
Funniest : Well...a lot actually. I'll name one. My AddMaths teacher.
Happiest : Em...Mei Ying. Never seen her mad before.
Strangest : "Stationaries"
Most Caring : Em...I dunno lar.
Tallest : Audrey L., Sat, who else? Whoever as tall as them.
Smartest : Piriya.
Best All Around Person : teddy bear?? ^^"
52. Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? : 2 or 3 only. Azwin!!!
53. What do you think of soul mates? : I'll tell you when I find mine.
54. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? : Nope nope.
55. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? : You don't wanna know.
56. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? : Who cares?
57. Are you happy? : Yup yup...!
61. Silver or gold : Silver
62. Diamond or pearl: Diamond!
63. Sunset or sunrise : Well...both!
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping (to swim in the nude): No way.
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Yup yup!!
66. Do you have any piercings? : One on each ear.
68. What song are you listening to right now? : At the beginning (Donna Lewis & Richard Marx). Now changing to Dearest (Ayumi M.)
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? : Lol...em. Japan, Paris, practically, the whole world!
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? : I'll answer this after 10 years.
72. What's your favourite sport? : Basketball and swimming. Oh, and cycling.
74. What makes you happy? : CHOCOLATE!
75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get/buy? : none
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses? : Glasses
77. What's the best advice given to you? : Can’t remember.
78. Have you ever won any special awards? : Well...not really.
79. What are your future goals? : The road is not clear yet.
80. Worst sickness u ever had : ALL TYPES of sickness.
81. Do you like funny or scary movies better? : Funny
82. On the phone or in person? : In person
83. Hugs or Kisses? : Both.
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? : Hmm...good question.
85. If you die tomorrow who would u leave everything u own to? : My family (duh)
86. Do u have any enemies? : Don't think so.
87. What is your greatest fear? : Fear
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? : Rich.
89. What time is it in Albania now? : Ask yourself
90. Have you ever been in love? : Dunno.
93. When was the last time you talked to the person that you like : ^^" Must you know?
96. Do u have any pets? : Yeah, tortoise.
97. Are you an alcoholic? : Nope.
98. Who sent this to you? : Got it from Audrey.
99. What do you think of this person : COOL.
100. Do you want your friends to write back?: Write back? You can have THIS in your blog. I don't mind.
This is the most boring thingy I've ever done. Oooo..wait I've got one even more "cool".
Friday, August 19, 2005
UBS Farewell Party 2005
Finally, it's all over! Though I do missed the Form 5's and the whole party thing. Despite the major food crisis that happened during the party. Everything went well as planned. Just some over-budgeting in food department. But nevermind that, the food was o.k. Just the pizzas that created all the problems. Hish...really made me worried sick! Everyone was done with their spaghetti and the pizzas have not arrived. Then, they made some really stupid fuss outside when they refused to give us compensation for waiting almost 2 hours!!! THe horror of it. But, the games were quite a success. Cleaning wasn't too bad either. Attendance...complete rubbish. They are sooooooooo gonna get it from Pn. Song. Whoever who did not turn up today. Especially form 2's and 3's. Thank god, everyone paid! No, wait. Ebbe didn't! He's supposed to pay...oh, he's so gonna get it from me!!! My door-keeper but he himself did not pay! Geramnya....!!! Okok...well, I didn't mean to but I skived my Moral and Physics class today! AGAIN! I feel so bad! I'm supposed to do presentation for Physics and yet, I've made my group suffered. Haihz. But, I was cleaning and helping out for the Farewell Party. ISyk...isyk! whole day was lighten up by the presence of my 2 really cute nephews! My nephew actually talked to me again!!! He called me! And he was concerned when I wanted to head back to my room! Yippee!!! So happy! Oopsie...gotta chow now! Bye bye! May the force be with you!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Guilty, tired, exhausted, bored...wth?
Today was supposed to be AS NORMAL AS USUAL. But no, fate had to mess it up for me. My day started normally. REally normal. After tuition, went for lunch. Oh god, I've waited for aged for my food to come. Turns out: the waitress forgotten to write down my order. How awful can that be? It wouldn't be bad if I don't have an appointment with my dentist. My appointment is at 3 pm. My food arrived (with endless apologies) AT 3 pm. What more, I had to wolf down my food without giving any splendid thoughts. Not only that, I was FORCED to finish up my order, THEN continue wolfing down my sister's leftovers. We don't want to waste you see...but my sister don't even bother. So, me..being the dustbin..(growing fatter and fatter everyday...), you get my drift. I reached the dentist's office at about 3.30 pm. Hmm, a 10-minutes of painful experience. Lol...was joking. Not that painful. I was doing filling you see. So...only the part where he drills god knows what was painful. Bla stop was at Great Eastern Mall. It's supposed to be a complete cycle of happiness as I get to buy another book...but this is different: 3 books in a set...! And it's about RM20 cheaper! So, yeah, happy go lucky me. Until my 'beloved' sister had to make a scene with my mum. She got SOOOOOO mad at mummy for not allowing her to buy a mechanical pencil which costs RM pencils were so much cheaper than hers. And, she made a whole scene by saying that my mum was unfair for allowing me to buy my book which costs so much more. Out of anger, my mum changed her mind and tried cancelling the payment. I was...shocked and hurt. So, without thinking I told her that she was unfair and that just because of one pencil, I get involved. In the end, my mum changed her mind again and resume the payment. After that, she didn't talk to us both. I felt so guilty after the whole thing. I wished she had stopped me earlier from buying the book and I wouldn't have made a scene too. Now, I'm so sad. On our way home, I realised how tired and exhausted I was. I didn't know that excitement + shock + anger + guilty = tiredness and exhaustion. Now, things are normal once more. My sis still refused to talk to my mum directly. And during dinner, she said something very hurtful that I was SOOOO glad that mummy wasn't there when she said it. It's something that, even I, as her sister felt ashamed of. I won't say it here. It's bad enough when I heard it, what more tell the whole world about it. Besides all of the above, I still haven't get to stay firm and confirm tuitions for physics and chemistry. My dear 'brother', Louis, is driving me up the wall because of his undecided decisions. Guys...all the same. *shakes head*. He even accused me of not telling him that one of our friend is not taking these two subjects, well, honestly, it was him who told me that he knew our friend's secret of dropping the subjects or something. How dared he accused me of being to sleepy that time and slow? Mengada gila...hish hish...LolZ! At this moment, my sister fell asleep on my bed...and she just mumbled something weird. Dream-talking. Ha ha ha...oh, alright. I think I bother you lot enough with my day. How about yours? Cheers!
Friday, August 12, 2005
New Skin!
This is the most challenging blog skin-changing I've ever done! Well, cracking my head over the modifying and stuff...this is a nice one. Oh well, just to tell you that school had been closed for the past two days...started on Thursday. Announcement about the holiday was made on 3 pm!!! My god. Pity those people who went to school the next day not knowing a thing about the hols. But, come to think of's your own fault that you did not listen to the news at 8pm the night before. to do that to people who blame others for these kinda things. Today was as ordinary as ever. Time flew really fast and before I know it, piano lesson finished and the sun was setting. I wish the haze is gone. The pros and cons of haze and holidays. . . I would love to tell you about MY point of view about this matter. But too bad, I'm TOO bored. And lazy nonetheless. Haihz. It's already Friday. Something is bugging me. I don't know if I should do it or not. Should I...or should I not? Some things...decisions are useless either way. Oh well, will tell you one day. If you're blur, that's the way it's supposed to be.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
"Mixed feelings"
I'm having mixed feelings right now. Don't ask why. Nvm, there's change our topic. Right. Nothing interesting today. Just that, there's no tuition this weekend. That's new. Lol. By the way, Friday was AGM day for Pusat Sumber Sekolah. Congrats to Pei Kit and your two new penolong plus your AJKS..bla bla...he he...hope you'll do us some justice and..'destroy' unnecessary rules!..hmm, well...praticallly the whole day I was so bored. UBS Farewell Party is looming. And I'm going to collect $$ tomorrow from all the members (exclude the Form 5's). He he..please note that I will bring a hammer with me (literally!!!) to whack those people who refuse to pay...and fail to pay in time. He he he...I can get pretty aggresive when I want to. Oh well, it's getting late. Will update soon. Before I forget, I'm changing the layout again. I guess. If I find the right one. Wish me luck. Bye-bye!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
My sis...
My 12-year-old sister, well, is 12 today. HA HA HA. She invited a whole bunch of lil' people to our house. At first, I wasn't too know, sick people wouldn't like themselves to be disturbed by naive young kids. So well, I was being all 'sad and sick', so that they would not think of kacau-ing me. When they came in...hate to admit this but...i got almost well...'cause
2. Too bad, I luv kids.
3. Positive thinking!
oh well. the end. nothing much else. bye-bye.
2. Too bad, I luv kids.
3. Positive thinking!
oh well. the end. nothing much else. bye-bye.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Exactly a year! fast time flies...? *tears*.....Happie Birthday to you..happie birthday to you..happie birthday to bloggie..happie birthday to you...! Muakx!!! Luv ya so much bloggie. Have a wonderful day..(though i doubt that)...anyway! Thx for caring n 'listening' to me all these while...i won't forget you in a hurry. Oopsie. Getting late! C ya bloggie...nitez!
Exactly a year! fast time flies...? *tears*.....Happie Birthday to you..happie birthday to you..happie birthday to bloggie..happie birthday to you...! Muakx!!! Luv ya so much bloggie. Have a wonderful day..(though i doubt that)...anyway! Thx for caring n 'listening' to me all these while...i won't forget you in a hurry. Oopsie. Getting late! C ya bloggie...nitez!
Once a week?
I think my blog entries these a days are shorter and mostly rubbish. Let's just say...I'm not THAT keen to share what's been happening in my life lately. Mainly because...
1) i'M too lazy to blog
2) Nothing interesting happening now.
3) Bored
4) Bored
5) Bored
Okiez. Let's cut the crap. I think no one bothers checking my page now. All of my friends have their own lives you know. So anyone reading this must have really love me to keep supporting my activeness of my blog. Thanks to all the ppl out there supporting me. I love you too.
"First of all....I would like to thank my parents for allowing me a blog. Then my friends who are reading this entrie at this moment. Lastly...I would like to thank myself..for being so kind to credit you guys."
I'm crying out loud right now. I shall never step foot on earth again. I shall cover my face with a bag so no one will recognize me. Ever.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - THE END OF STORY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .....
1) i'M too lazy to blog
2) Nothing interesting happening now.
3) Bored
4) Bored
5) Bored
Okiez. Let's cut the crap. I think no one bothers checking my page now. All of my friends have their own lives you know. So anyone reading this must have really love me to keep supporting my activeness of my blog. Thanks to all the ppl out there supporting me. I love you too.
"First of all....I would like to thank my parents for allowing me a blog. Then my friends who are reading this entrie at this moment. Lastly...I would like to thank myself..for being so kind to credit you guys."
I'm crying out loud right now. I shall never step foot on earth again. I shall cover my face with a bag so no one will recognize me. Ever.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - THE END OF STORY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .....
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I'm SOOOOOOOOO BORED! God save me! ANyway, Harry Potter & the Half-blood Prince is out. YAY!!! He he...most of you ppl are already bored ryte? I'm just here to fill up my time! My endless time! Lol...jkjk. Haihz. I think that's it for now. I'm going to go do something BETTER! He he...c yA~!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Everything's as normal as usual here. Except that I've changed my background music. It's from Casper The Movie. Or something similar. And the title is...: Remember Me This Jordan Hill. Well...if you here the actual music with the singer singing the song, you'll hear the niceness of this song. It's sort of instrumental.'s more to soft music's nice lar. Ha ha. Oh..PENILAIAN II IS CANCELLED!!! Thx to the choral speakers for national day..but no thx at the same time....cuz...means..I'll be too lazy to study! Lol...okok..I'll study...I'll study...Rytez...GTG now. Byez ppl! enjoy life!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
...Horror of Choir
Thursday. My first impression. Dread. Lazy. Oh no! So fast Thursday? Yupz. Today. Thursday. Pretty much nothing happened. Except it's Swan Boon's birthday! Yay! hEE Hee...Ryte. Results for the "Chosen Ones" for Choral Speaking to perform on National Day. Uh guessed ryte...I didn't get in. Quite disappointed at first as I wanted to get in for the fun and the so-called rewards you can get by getting selected. But...what I found out soon put my interest in this Choral Speaking performance for this Well, here's what I found out about it..:-
Date, time and place of practice:
Everday starting this coming Monday (27/6/05), 7 am - 1 pm. At Cochrane..(how do you spell..?) School, under the sun.
Means: No School till August 31. Or somewhere that time. I don't remember. Extra classes will be provided. After school if I'm not mistaken. Oh, and another thing. You get paid RM6 for every practice you attend.
Sounds a lot like my choir practice. Goodness. Oh well, at first I really really wanted it. Then, when Sze Min actually offered me her place in exchange of her freedom from Choral Speaking, I started thinking. As in, really thinking whether is it all worth it to drop 2 months of studies just for this. I've made up my mind. I'm not doing it. Practically I didn't get selected..I just have to tell my poor teddy bear..that I'm sorry and she have to reject her place without a replacement. Sighz..poor teddy. *Sniff...*
Rytez. After that, another horror begins. Choir IS performing on Hari Anugerah Cemerlang. 9th July 2005. Yupz. THe horror many people that I KNOW will be watching. Lucky my mum said she might not come cuz she's too lazy! Love her for that! Lol...Okok..more tomorrow. Gotta dash! Byez!
Date, time and place of practice:
Everday starting this coming Monday (27/6/05), 7 am - 1 pm. At Cochrane..(how do you spell..?) School, under the sun.
Means: No School till August 31. Or somewhere that time. I don't remember. Extra classes will be provided. After school if I'm not mistaken. Oh, and another thing. You get paid RM6 for every practice you attend.
Sounds a lot like my choir practice. Goodness. Oh well, at first I really really wanted it. Then, when Sze Min actually offered me her place in exchange of her freedom from Choral Speaking, I started thinking. As in, really thinking whether is it all worth it to drop 2 months of studies just for this. I've made up my mind. I'm not doing it. Practically I didn't get selected..I just have to tell my poor teddy bear..that I'm sorry and she have to reject her place without a replacement. Sighz..poor teddy. *Sniff...*
Rytez. After that, another horror begins. Choir IS performing on Hari Anugerah Cemerlang. 9th July 2005. Yupz. THe horror many people that I KNOW will be watching. Lucky my mum said she might not come cuz she's too lazy! Love her for that! Lol...Okok..more tomorrow. Gotta dash! Byez!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Model Kerjaya~
YaY!!! We won!! SMKSBU won third place for MODEL KERJAYA!! Yeah! I'm so happie and proud! Devis Rocks! Power Point Presentation Rocks!! Yeah! Lol...Sorry. Still hyper after all that happened today. Gee...Anyway, it's all thanks to Jason & Jeff's work. The most ''tecno'' PP Presentation I've seen in my life. Very COOL! Besides certificate, we won MONEY back! Well, not much...but still! RM30. It's a lil' sad though. He he...We skipped school the whole day..but, lucky for me and Devis, the whole day our class was chaotic as there were no teachers! Except for English period [which I've heard there's HOMEWORK!-essay- i think...] Pn. Sheela is as nice as ever to help calm my class d0wn. LOL! Oh, well. Pretty much for today. More tomorrow!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Today was just like any normal day. Boring no doubt. After tuition, I went to Millie's sis wedding party. Very nice. Met Shanaz there. He probably was surprised meeting me there. Anyway, everything went pretty well. I went back, feeling a bit tired. THen, nothing happened. Sighz...Oh! Now I remember. I'm having "mental breakdown". Caused by overlapping of work to do that is running in my head like a filmstrip. Over and over again. No wonder some people can go mental. There's just too many things to be done!!! I can't imagine how I can finish all up when all my tuitions and choir practices are taking up all my time...gosh. Oops..gtg now. Happie Father's Day. Byez!
Friday, June 17, 2005
I’m so hurt. Why? Once again, my sis told me some people have been talking bad about me. My sister heard it herself. You know what hurts? The fact that it was librarians who were talking about me…and there were librarians that told other students (non – librarians)…bad stuff about me. THOSE people…talking about how I’m faking ‘myself’ like a goody, innocent girl so that I will get the post for the next librarian board. What do you think about it? I mean, if those people out there…who are all talking bad about me…thinking that I’m one of those who wants a post so much…forget it. If you want that post yourself, you are most welcomed to have it. I won’t rebut with you. You can take everything, like I care. If whoever you are, ever talked about me in this way before…reading this very post, you know what? I DON’T GIVE A DAMN! And I don’t care what you say cause I know I’m not acting for a post, I don’t need a post, and you don’t know me that well so just shut up and get a life. Just get out of my life and take all your rubbish talk with you. You can very well keep it. I don’t need this. Sorry people. I just hate it when people thinks I’m ‘acting’. It just …urgh! P*ss me off! (Excuse the language…) If you think you’re so smart…why not stand up and give a chance to yourself to take up that post instead of talking rubbish. *Breathe* Anyway, conclusion now, since I’ve relieved my deepest thoughts about those stuff…like KJH tells me to do….”WHATEVER!”
Thursday, June 16, 2005
This statement that had been scaring me since the beginning of the year is officially confirmed..:
FORM 4 LIFE...SUCKS! (excuse me language...but too bad!)
Unexpectedly I've never regretted taking PTS which got me into the state I'm in right now. 'Cause..probably if I'm still with ppl my age..[in form 3]...I don't know what I'll become today...
Anyway, I really love my err...non-living things destructive actions I have when I get depressed. Members of 4 Sce. Beta would know what will I do when I get so stressed up. Ask them. Haihz...I'm just so disappointed in myself!! How could I fail just LIKE THAT? What is happening to this world??? WHy is everything I'm hoping for destroyed?? My hopes are crushed into dust...that no matter wouldn't change the fact...
I found something in my Literature textbook today. It's a poem...somehow..I'm feeling to treasure it. Here, let me might be boring but..whatever. Joseph Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting
Or being lied about don't deal with lies
Or being hated don't give way to hating
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make a heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue
Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!
There. How’s this? Well, if you don’t understand it, it’s okay. I mean, come on! This is still literature for heaven’s sake. Unless you’re William Shakespear’s cucu cicit or something…yeah you’ll probably get it the moment you lay your eyes on it. =P. Oh well, I gotta dash now! Dad’s calling! Peace out and rock on!
FORM 4 LIFE...SUCKS! (excuse me language...but too bad!)
Unexpectedly I've never regretted taking PTS which got me into the state I'm in right now. 'Cause..probably if I'm still with ppl my age..[in form 3]...I don't know what I'll become today...
Anyway, I really love my err...non-living things destructive actions I have when I get depressed. Members of 4 Sce. Beta would know what will I do when I get so stressed up. Ask them. Haihz...I'm just so disappointed in myself!! How could I fail just LIKE THAT? What is happening to this world??? WHy is everything I'm hoping for destroyed?? My hopes are crushed into dust...that no matter wouldn't change the fact...
I found something in my Literature textbook today. It's a poem...somehow..I'm feeling to treasure it. Here, let me might be boring but..whatever. Joseph Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting
Or being lied about don't deal with lies
Or being hated don't give way to hating
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make a heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue
Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!
There. How’s this? Well, if you don’t understand it, it’s okay. I mean, come on! This is still literature for heaven’s sake. Unless you’re William Shakespear’s cucu cicit or something…yeah you’ll probably get it the moment you lay your eyes on it. =P. Oh well, I gotta dash now! Dad’s calling! Peace out and rock on!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I'm backie...
I'm BACK!!
And I'm glad that I'm back...
Gosh...I really want to post a really long one since I've not written..since..right. April 30? month plus. That's amazing. But...I have this really important Moral project that's bugging the sh*t out of me. I really need to dash off to finish this....
"Why? Why couldn't I finished it earlier??? Shouldn't be lazy...see what happens??"...
That's my inner me talking. Anyway...bye-bye ppl..will post again soon!! Chiaoz and rock on!!!
And I'm glad that I'm back...
Gosh...I really want to post a really long one since I've not written..since..right. April 30? month plus. That's amazing. But...I have this really important Moral project that's bugging the sh*t out of me. I really need to dash off to finish this....
"Why? Why couldn't I finished it earlier??? Shouldn't be lazy...see what happens??"...
That's my inner me talking. Anyway...bye-bye ppl..will post again soon!! Chiaoz and rock on!!!
Sunday, May 22, 2005
It's my birthday today!!!...
YEAH! I'm fifteen! I'm fifteen!..WEll...
Not much different from who I am just a minute ago. I'm not growing rapidly or whatsoever. Or feeling crap changes 'inside' me..
Ok. Now I know I'm crapping.'s my birthday! Thx to those who wished me! And for those who didn' doesn't matter actually...not a big deal...FIY, there's about 2 million ppl who has the same birthday with me anyway!
Happie Birthday to ME! Lol...Chiaoz!
YEAH! I'm fifteen! I'm fifteen!..WEll...
Not much different from who I am just a minute ago. I'm not growing rapidly or whatsoever. Or feeling crap changes 'inside' me..
Ok. Now I know I'm crapping.'s my birthday! Thx to those who wished me! And for those who didn' doesn't matter actually...not a big deal...FIY, there's about 2 million ppl who has the same birthday with me anyway!
Happie Birthday to ME! Lol...Chiaoz!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Back! From...EVERYTHING! Free from my burdening post [librarian gathering] from my camp...unfortunately...not free from exams...not free from being stuck with YOU!!! Lol..was jz jk..So was just last week! Can't imagine how time past so fast! Right now at this time last week...let's refresh memory...we're...doing..ah! Mengenang Jasa activity...quite a sad activity...anyway...missing those times already! tell you the truth...I'M SO LAZY TO BLOG RYTE NOW. I WILL....write about the very fine day...when I'm SO not lazy to blog. Wakakakakaka....C ya ppl! Chiaoz!
Friday, April 15, 2005
Modified ...
Yay! I modified my blog...with the snowflakes (THX AILEEN!) and the cute song...addicted to it. The whole week usual..exams coming!!! But seriously...I dunno what to blog laa..Haihz...i'll blog tmr if i free if not..wait till i got sumthing to write laa...byez!...slEePyZzz...
Friday, April 08, 2005
BEst day iN SkOoL
School was so COOL!!! Reached school feeling so so weird...dressed in a baju kurung..not braiding my hair...didn't even tie my hair! And the "best" part was...I was still carrying a school bag and loads of stuff in my hand!!! Then reached the library and was...I dunno...strange seeing everyone so colourful! Zhi-Ni is SOOOOO CUTE!!!!....Swan Boon also CUTE!!! Swee Hong so pretty!!! Ah..everyone so different!! HEhehe...the moment finally arrived..the moment when students have been dreaming about since..god knows when! Yeah...the moment to...BREAK RULES!!! WOOHOO!!! Haha...But, unfortunately..the weather is sooooooo HOT!!! Changed into PJ's clothes still so hot! Had fun with Swan and the the library, where it is cold and cooling. Wakakakaka...! Somebody suggested that we do this once a month! Wow!...Imagine...! Ah...but...hoping that even if every month we're doing this...pls dun lar study...really weird and HOT..cuz the cloth and weather. Gtg now...bye!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
HELP Institute..
*Gasp!* "A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!"
Talking about not worrying about my future...
Anyhow...HELP Institute's building already took my breath away...the building is COOL! Yupz..When we (Cik Sri Devi, Christina, Devis, K.Pui Mun, Me and Swan Boon) were..kinda ''lost'' in the building, trying to find our way out to the shops so that we could EAT..(we were dead hungry!)..the ''classes'' inside were so kewl! The lockers..the labs...the computers! Gosh...but...nah..don't wanna think about my future..too far ahead! Lol..
By the way, the workshop is good lar. Not bad...though I know some people thinks it's boring. But..there are a few pointers here and there. Kristin and Ai Lynn should come. Hehe...then they'll probably make drastic changes in our school magazine this year.
Gosh...tuition is totally making me SICK! I've only got tuitions for only 3 subjects. And I'm vomitting blood already. Imagine what will happen if I take more tuitions. Sighz...I really got a headache the last half hour of the class discussing bout the time we had to replace and stuff.. it seems that for the whole month of point is...: Why don't we do everyone a favour and JUST cancel the classes for that month??? Why are we making such a fuss of replacing 10 HOURS of classes?? HEll..we've already covered 7 topics...7!!! But no..we don't wanna cancel classes becuz of GOD knows WHAT. Dunno oso. Whatever.
Okok...please..please..whoever reads this...let it not be ANY of my tuition gang. Especially my tuition teacher...he won't kill me...but...u know...Oh..well..I've got choir at 4 pm later. Malasnya...nevermind...go there have fun..i hope. Lol...Then go swimming!! Yay! MOre laterz. C ya!
Talking about not worrying about my future...
Anyhow...HELP Institute's building already took my breath away...the building is COOL! Yupz..When we (Cik Sri Devi, Christina, Devis, K.Pui Mun, Me and Swan Boon) were..kinda ''lost'' in the building, trying to find our way out to the shops so that we could EAT..(we were dead hungry!)..the ''classes'' inside were so kewl! The lockers..the labs...the computers! Gosh...but...nah..don't wanna think about my future..too far ahead! Lol..
By the way, the workshop is good lar. Not bad...though I know some people thinks it's boring. But..there are a few pointers here and there. Kristin and Ai Lynn should come. Hehe...then they'll probably make drastic changes in our school magazine this year.
Gosh...tuition is totally making me SICK! I've only got tuitions for only 3 subjects. And I'm vomitting blood already. Imagine what will happen if I take more tuitions. Sighz...I really got a headache the last half hour of the class discussing bout the time we had to replace and stuff.. it seems that for the whole month of point is...: Why don't we do everyone a favour and JUST cancel the classes for that month??? Why are we making such a fuss of replacing 10 HOURS of classes?? HEll..we've already covered 7 topics...7!!! But no..we don't wanna cancel classes becuz of GOD knows WHAT. Dunno oso. Whatever.
Okok...please..please..whoever reads this...let it not be ANY of my tuition gang. Especially my tuition teacher...he won't kill me...but...u know...Oh..well..I've got choir at 4 pm later. Malasnya...nevermind...go there have fun..i hope. Lol...Then go swimming!! Yay! MOre laterz. C ya!
Friday, March 25, 2005
I'm so tired. Finally, school week's over! It's a Friday. I managed to complete my BM project last night and fully binded it this morning. Took me an hour half though. Oh, and I completed my choral speaking script in a night...then I combined mine with U Shen's the next morning and with a lil' changes here and there, TADA! You're now looking at a completed choral speaking script! Lol...hey..but it's true. And photo session was tiring! I don't think my pic this year is nice. I still prefer my Form 3 Picx. What am I saying? I haven't even see the pics yet and already "complaining". Nevermind. I've haven't been my old self today either. No wait. Scratch that! THe WHOLE WEEK!! Guess you guys know the reason. Hmm..I take that back again. Not many know. Or rather...not many remember. I feel so tired and down. I dunno why! Plus I'm also bored! Tomorrow have to go to HELP Institute for some workshop for Edboard. So lazy to go laa..but it's supposed to be a good workshop. Hm...better be..or else...Everyone thought I'm sad or something today. Well...partly I am. I dunno why...maybe not enough sleep kut...because of my tiredness, I kinda ignored everyone. Sorry guys. Didn't mean it. Just not my day to talk today. Really tired. Everyone was like asking..."Why so sad?" I'm not THAT sad actually. Hehe...Don't worry people...(to people who are worried about me)...I'm know lah. Oh...exams results are terrible. Ok. Stop! Won't talk about it. You don't wanna know what will happen. Nothing bad will happen. Just that tears will start stinging my eyes or something similar to that. Izzati Lembu's last day in school is today. Gonna miss her like hell...she's supposed to give me her address so I can mail her. Hehe..Wish I could. Good luck to you my friend. God bless always. With all the spare time today, my brain started stringing word by word and from a rhyming line. Then, I came up with the idea of writing another poem. Sorry guys, won't post that in public. Love that poem. You wanna read...? Let's see if you guys are in my 'specialized list'. Oh, great. My newly created word. Lol. Oh well..better chow now. Exact time? 11.49pm. uh huh...Tomorrow need to go school. And Edboard. hehe..very well..c all of ya soon. Byez! Cheerio selalu!!
Monday, March 21, 2005
Skool! Results! Argh!
"Ring! Ring!"...Apart from that sound..."My beautiful melody from my handphone..."..."Oh no! *Groans*..Please don't tell me it's time for school..."
School holidays are over...*cries*...Missing them already. Woke up feeling really sleepy this morning. Haihz...shouldn't have slept so late last night. Nevermind. Went to school with my tie half-done. "Great. I should have done this last night." The routine is just the same. Same old place..same old teachers..same old..PREFECTS! Argh...people in blue clothings are everywhere. Forget them. Anyway, right into class and memories of exams results came flooding into my brain! Oh, crap! results were crap as well...I'm not telling you my results. You wanna know..ask me! I just don't wanna ''spread'' this to the whole wide world...Lol! Then...spend the rest of the day..anxious for my next paper to come. Then, library meeting. Usuals...usuals..usuals...have to skip UBS tomorrow for the rehearsal! Huhuhu..I wanna go for UBS! Sighz...lazy to blog now...Till then! Byez
School holidays are over...*cries*...Missing them already. Woke up feeling really sleepy this morning. Haihz...shouldn't have slept so late last night. Nevermind. Went to school with my tie half-done. "Great. I should have done this last night." The routine is just the same. Same old place..same old teachers..same old..PREFECTS! Argh...people in blue clothings are everywhere. Forget them. Anyway, right into class and memories of exams results came flooding into my brain! Oh, crap! results were crap as well...I'm not telling you my results. You wanna know..ask me! I just don't wanna ''spread'' this to the whole wide world...Lol! Then...spend the rest of the day..anxious for my next paper to come. Then, library meeting. Usuals...usuals..usuals...have to skip UBS tomorrow for the rehearsal! Huhuhu..I wanna go for UBS! Sighz...lazy to blog now...Till then! Byez
Saturday, March 19, 2005
worry sick!
I'm worried. Dead worried. Of someone. My fren. Though I don't really know him. He's worrying me like hell! Okay. I won't say anything more. Btw, I'm also worried for my another fren who did something wrong. I wish I can correct him before something - ok..not really bad..but..trouble for him laa - happens. I jz feel like blogging today. THough everything doesn't seem right today. Haihz...looks like I'll blog till here. Dun feel like it already. Anyway, thx Lien Yiny..for that encouraging comment. =) Byez ppl...
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I wanna cry. . .
WHy?? Can someone tell me why I have to be the weak one even though I'm the eldest in the family? Why do I always have to back down in every single fight? It hurts . . . from the very bottom of my spreads all around. It's really unfair for me!!! Bcuz of 'someone'. . . I lost my courage to scold anyone..even those who you can label...:stranger. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what I'm going to turn to when I grow up later in life. Will I stay forever timid and ''lost''? Forever scared and unable to fight for my own rights? Tell me! I don't want to be a fool in my parents' hearts...a slave to my sister...I...I can't take this! It's just too much...why....I . . . a soul...trapped in a box...a black life! I don't want to be a slave to anyone. I just...want to I want to cry...sometimes..I cry myself to sleep..but there's one thing I'm sure of : everytime someone brings my sister into the conversation...i know..tears will silently roll down my cheeks...I've tried to bring myself be strong..but I can't...maybe it's becuz the pain I've kept in me for so long . . . but all I know...I'll never stop until the pain in me is gone. . .until I know. . . when I can stand back on my feet. . . and when I can return to my world...i gtg now...*sweet dreams...*
Monday, March 14, 2005
Nice Outing...
Today's outing is N.I.C.E. Well..we didn't get to see a movie.. but..we went bowling. Twice. Together with lotz of walking! leg sakit adi. It turns out that...having my sister around! Not a disaster after all! Haha! Anyway, already planning to take her out for the next outing. Wakakakaka...Bought lovely prezzie for..ok..won't case the person read this!...I will give full details "soon"! Hehehe...So. I think I spend half of what I was given this morning in Sg. Wang n Lot 10. (money i mean...) Wakakakkaa....nvm..once in a blue moon. :-D! I got new handphone thingy. If you get what I mean...those hanging stuff...hehe..mine is blue! My sis one is pink! ISh...gtg now! Byez!
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Sunday morning rain is falling...
" Step by step, heart to heart, left right left, We all fall down..."
"Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win but the battle wages on...for toy soldiers"
I love this song man!!! SO chun-ted...hehe...It's HOLIDAYS!! Yay! Finally a chance for me to go out tomoro! But...wait..there's a catch...yupz...hang on! It's no ordinary catch! It's just a TINY nightmare: My SISTER is TAGGING along! But..nevermind...since she's my only hope of going now....hehe...once in a while wouldn't hurt..will it? *Praying to God* "Please..don't let tomorrow be a disaster.." But I don't think it will...hehe... Anyway..tuition was a bit..'fast' today. N I got really really sleepy in the car...I slept for a couple of hours I guess..then I went for choir...met all my fwens...miss them so much. That Jeff (Chee Kan) mengada...he ah.."miss" my sis soooo much..hehe....aiya...gtg now...byez...
"Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win but the battle wages on...for toy soldiers"
I love this song man!!! SO chun-ted...hehe...It's HOLIDAYS!! Yay! Finally a chance for me to go out tomoro! But...wait..there's a catch...yupz...hang on! It's no ordinary catch! It's just a TINY nightmare: My SISTER is TAGGING along! But..nevermind...since she's my only hope of going now....hehe...once in a while wouldn't hurt..will it? *Praying to God* "Please..don't let tomorrow be a disaster.." But I don't think it will...hehe... Anyway..tuition was a bit..'fast' today. N I got really really sleepy in the car...I slept for a couple of hours I guess..then I went for choir...met all my fwens...miss them so much. That Jeff (Chee Kan) mengada...he ah.."miss" my sis soooo much..hehe....aiya...gtg now...byez...
Friday, March 11, 2005
The Sea of Emotions...Pt.1
Here's my second poem of the week...hope you enjoy it!
My Sea Of Emotions (Part 1)
At last, a blast of freedom
Filled with happiness and fun
Running wild in my fairytale kingdom
Kissing the air, thanking the sun.
My Sea Of Emotions (Part 1)
At last, a blast of freedom
Filled with happiness and fun
Running wild in my fairytale kingdom
Kissing the air, thanking the sun.
Looking down the road so empty
Quiet, silent and cold
Wondering why I couldn't see
Wonderful things that I've been told.
Silent tears rolled down my cheeks
Disappointment filled inside
All my mistakes made me weak
Wishing I could just hide.
Rushing of the air
Screams here and there
Laughter everywhere
Excitement? You bet!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Poem's Day...
Ppl! I've written a poem today. When I came back from skool. Something happened in skool that 'inspired' me to write this not-so-good poem. Anyway. Just wanna share it. Nolar actually. I jz feel like posting it up. That's all...there will be another one tomoro. Lol...
I'm weak
I know
I'm soft
It's true.
This is unfair
But what can I do???
I can't scream
I can't shout
I felt useless
I felt like being used.
Can someone tell me why?
I had to go through this
I fear I might no longer keep
The pain I've endured so long.
All these questions in my head
Screaming to get out:
Should I be who I've always been or
Should I scream and shout?
As I sit and close my eyes
My thoughts went running wild
I felt the changes in my mind
And hope to see the light.
Looking throuhg the window pane
Admiring the glowing sun
Wishing I could forget this pain
And remember all the fun.
I'm weak
I know
I'm soft
It's true.
This is unfair
But what can I do???
I can't scream
I can't shout
I felt useless
I felt like being used.
Can someone tell me why?
I had to go through this
I fear I might no longer keep
The pain I've endured so long.
All these questions in my head
Screaming to get out:
Should I be who I've always been or
Should I scream and shout?
As I sit and close my eyes
My thoughts went running wild
I felt the changes in my mind
And hope to see the light.
Looking throuhg the window pane
Admiring the glowing sun
Wishing I could forget this pain
And remember all the fun.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Exams are killing me. . .
"Two more paper...just two more paper, Zunny. Then you're FREE!" Finding myself repeating that sentence after my EST paper today over and over again. I really can't wait till Friday after Accounts paper, then...I'm so totally be jumping for joy! Well, I hope I would. Now that I found out I'm so moody these a days. No idea why. Nope...not exams. Not overwork or something. Nada. Oh well. Forget it. Hope it'll goes off ryte after exams...then..I can cheer with my fwens or something. Knowing me, something weird. Okayz. AddMaths after this. I mean, on Friday. Wishing that I would scrape by at least with an A. Jz the borderline can make me jump with joy. Or if worse comes to least (i'm hoping!) a B. Or a C. It's the first test rytez? What am I thinking??? How can I think of my results when I'm not even sure I can complete the paper in an hour's time??? ARGH! THIS is scary. "God bless me...and my fwens..." Gosh, I can't think straight. And I can't wait to online. (BTW, I'm onlining secara 'haram'.) "Be patience, Zunny...Friday's'll be quick...and you can be free..." Psychonyer saya..talking to myself in my blog. Anyway, I dunno what else to write. So I might as well say goodbye. Wait for my next entrie on FRiday! Byez!
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Okay gotta be quick b4 my sis returns. Rytez...jz drop by to see how's my blog doing. Ah...still the same. Lovely! Hehe...Exams on Monday...crap...haven't study...Hey...will blog more after exams...ryte now...have to chiaoz! Byez!
Monday, February 28, 2005
Hey ppl! I've changed my layout. "The Lost Memories Version 6.0". Is it kewl or what? Anyway, I only took about 5 hours to get this complete. Really fast...compared to my 2nd layout ages took me more than 10 hrs...imagine! Really glad...though there were many crap trouble that got into the way...patience guided me and brought me to where I stand today. Oh great, I ter-cipta another rhyming phrase. What's with me anyway? I finally found out how to change the thingy on the Tag Board. Kewl...=D I luv my blog...sighz..I'm crapping at this hour's midnight N i'm still awake N I haven't pack for skool tomoro! :s I'm so naughty...BTw, blog will be terminated for about...a week..till next Friday. Cuz of exams. Gonna miss being online...Nvm...I'll talk about the Sports Day when I get the chance. Chiaoz ppl...gtg! C ya!
P.S. : Thx 4 all of your support during the "hard" times for this blog. LOL!
P.S. : Thx 4 all of your support during the "hard" times for this blog. LOL!
Friday, February 25, 2005
~Sports Day~
Gee, tomoro is Sports Day already...I'm not going to wakil Shirtliff for anything again this'll just be there and give my support. As usual. Shirtliff spirit is running low..i don't know why...I just got this offence to all Shirtliff members. Okay. Enough about that. I don't think I can online tomoro...maybe can replace on Sunday..wakakakkaakakaka..=D. Oopsie..gtg now..gtg sleep so can wake up tomoro and then...water game!!! *splash*! Haha..c ya!
Monday, February 14, 2005
Happie Valentine's Day!
*Happie Valentine's Day!*
God Bless You.
May your day is filled with chocolates, flowers and everything nice!
C ya!
God Bless You.
May your day is filled with chocolates, flowers and everything nice!
C ya!
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Woke up feeling...a bit strange. Wondering what it was..suddenly..i was overcome by a feeling...then...AH-CHOO! Oopsie...excuse me! Hehe...looks like I'm getting flu. The first half of my day was spent doing homework. The other half was spent in Times Square. Unfortunately, I didn't go there to have fun in the Theme Park...I spent it walking around and around and choosing watches which were selling at RM10 each!! So cheap! N they're all so pwetty! Hehe..I got 2!!! =P.'s the last day of the week for me to online. So sad...all bcuz of my dominating sister. If it wasn't becuz of her, I would've enjoy myself onlining tomoro! Oh's my mum's birthday! Hehe...nice...I wanted to make her something but she never lets me! So evil...N I owe her a dinner + RM10. day..hehe...Ryteza...oopsie...guess I gotta go now. Byez!
"Like a blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet..." - Princess Mononoke
"Like a blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet..." - Princess Mononoke
Friday, February 11, 2005
Dead tired...
Ah...the comfort of my home sweet home. I'm finally back from my "balik kampung" journey. Feeling so tired...but still hyper. Dunno why. I'm expecting my mum OR dad to come yelling at me any minute by now to ask me to go sleep. *I hope not* I really want to stay online a little longer. As I'm behind my schedule and I really don't like my memory that fades as quickly as it comes. I have probably like...10 things I'm supposed to do once I go online but every single time I go online...*blank*..."What am I supposed to do again?" It's really annoying, come to think of it. As soon as I go offline...everything rushes back into my head and you'll find me whacking myself with a book. *just joking* I don't whack myself, but I do scold myself. I'll fell so geram with myself that I keep on scolding myself "stupid" till my mum thinks that I'm nuts or something. ARGH! I'm so bored...I miss fact...come to think of it...I don't only miss someone...I've been missing everyone!!! Yeah...KIM!!! TEDDY BEAR!!! EVA!!!! Y SO LONG NEVER CALL ME??? like they're gonna read this anyway. Hehe...psycho me. As usual. Ah...tomorrow's my last day online for the week. The next time I'm allowed to online is Friday. Sad. Yes, my sister is still dominating my life. And it's probably a tradition to her to report every single thing that happened to me...such as...from whom I received my sms..(like I tell her that)...who called...and stuff..kinda annoying. Thank god she doesn't go online these days..if she ever read this life is over. Oh well..malasnye I want to blog..guess I'll end it here. Byez ppl...
"Like a blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet..." - Princess Mononoke
"Like a blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet..." - Princess Mononoke
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Tear drops. Swish. A cut in my heart, bleeding and hurting as I struggle to go on through the day. Smile. To hide my sorrow. WHY??? Why is he treating me this way? What have I done??? Why is he paying more attention to others and not to me? Does he not realize that I exist??? I've tried so many things to make him notice me, to make him realize that I'm always there for him, to make him realize that I really care about him. Didn't he realized that I'm always the last one, waiting for him? Then, he'll go chasing the others when they left him. I'm always the one following his trail behind. Hurts. I totally meant NOTHING to him. I know that. I can feel it. IF he dislike me 'cause of the incident at the hotel...please forgive me. I'm trying to protect you! If not...I don't know what would happen. But of cuz he will NEVER EVER read this entrie. Gosh...I really love him! More than anything else in the world. (except for my family, friends..bla bla bla...) Everytime I'm left out, I tried to communicate with him. Then, I know. Even if I'm pushed into his existance, even if we both are the only people in a room or even the world...I am...n-o-t-h-i-n-g. Looks like I can do nothing ryte now. I can't change the fact. I can only accept it and move on. Knowing that he is always thrust into my presence. And that he will never disappear from my life. Till the day I die. Serious. I believe that one day, his perspective towards me will change. As he grows mature each day. I'll happen.
What? Do u guys know who m I talking about? Tee hee...I know whoever's reading this might think that I'm talking bout my crush or I'm ever stupid enough to write it online! Gosh...anyway...I'm talking bout my 2-year-old nephew that I love sooooooooo much!!! Yes, it's true. He's ignoring me. Total obvious ignoring me. He only 'have eyes' for my sister. Yeap. It does hurt. When you keep trying to talk to him but him ignoring you. It really hurts. Especially when he throws away your hand when he realizes it's not my sis. Especially when he runs not at me but at my sister. Especially when I'm sitting ryte in front of him and he RUNS looking for my sister n niece n nephew just to tell them that he like one car. And he never tell me a single thing. Or rather, he never utters a single word to me. It sucks. But, I'm wishing...and still wishing..that he'll change as he grows up. I really want him to know that I really care for him! That's how much I love him.
"Like a blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet..." - Princess Mononoke.
(She didn't say it. It's from the movie theme song.)
What? Do u guys know who m I talking about? Tee hee...I know whoever's reading this might think that I'm talking bout my crush or I'm ever stupid enough to write it online! Gosh...anyway...I'm talking bout my 2-year-old nephew that I love sooooooooo much!!! Yes, it's true. He's ignoring me. Total obvious ignoring me. He only 'have eyes' for my sister. Yeap. It does hurt. When you keep trying to talk to him but him ignoring you. It really hurts. Especially when he throws away your hand when he realizes it's not my sis. Especially when he runs not at me but at my sister. Especially when I'm sitting ryte in front of him and he RUNS looking for my sister n niece n nephew just to tell them that he like one car. And he never tell me a single thing. Or rather, he never utters a single word to me. It sucks. But, I'm wishing...and still wishing..that he'll change as he grows up. I really want him to know that I really care for him! That's how much I love him.
"Like a blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet..." - Princess Mononoke.
(She didn't say it. It's from the movie theme song.)
Monday, February 07, 2005
Looks like I'm not that strong after all. Hehe...I'm not wakil for rejam lembing..I finally found out. Nevermind...I'm giving better people more energy! Hehe..I can't throw far. So..I think you get the drift. Not very disappointed. Weird me. Anyway, Kristin asked me and Kim to do high jump. I STILL CAN'T DO IT!!! Darn...I so really want to go OVER the yellow pole. The thing is...everytime the pole gets nearer...I just freak out! Gosh..I don't know why's that..but yeah..that's what happened. According to Jeff, my way of jumping can bring me serious injuries. Anyway, I'm addicted to high jump ryte now. Oh..I'm kinda bored now...what to do...what to say...aiyah...oklah...i know. I'm not in a very good mood these a days...dunno why...sighz..guess what? I figured out that...I'm already FREAKING OUT over my exams!! PLus all the work I haven't do! Including all the work a gathering is burdening me upon!!! ARGH! Then..i kena bullied by all my ketuas..for not being able to collect more money from my fellow librarians! They were practically "abusing" me. Sorry for all the seniors who are reading this...but it is SO NOT MY FAULT that those ppl are not paying up! SO?? Why are you guys so "mad" at me for??? Gosh...I'm so mad ryte now....*boiling*...almost lah..OMG! We haven't started anything for our UBS Project!! What are we gonna do??? Pn. Song will soooo totally kill us!!! We are so dead!!! Plus my Kimia Project which we have to hantar on 14/2/2005!! N it's not done yet! Ryte after holidays!! ARGH!!! So many things to do, so little time! gtg now! byez
Friday, February 04, 2005
Cross Country
Oh gosh. I haven't blogged for days...ryte. Anyway, today, instead of studying, students of SMKSBU went for 'merentas desa' a.k.a. cross-country. Well, as we are seniors now, we're supposed to run at around 9 plus. Okay, I dunno what to say...but..the semangat is in the air! At first The Dumpsters were all together, but all of us [please note that we exclude Jeff] got seperated. I mean to say, our dearest Kimster N Minster went running with full spirit unlike me, who is not suitable for running. After 15 minutes or so, my lungs were already burning. So I kinda..walked mostly of the 4.5 km thingy. And yet...I'm so tired + exhausted. Evaster was kinda behind me. She was even tired-er than me. Pity her. I only ran at the downward slopes and walked at the upward slopes. It's really tiring. And yet...I walk alone. Oops. Gtg Now. Later!
Saturday, January 29, 2005
I went to school today for lembing practice. Oh well..the first time of the day when i tried to 'lembing-ing' it didn't work. What I meant was; the lembing didn't pacak on the ground. Pity...then I didn't wanna gave up cuz after so many years I finally get to wakil my house for something. And Rejam Lembing is really kewl! So, I kept doing and doing and doing...until I noticed my frens all did it. I mean, only four of us there at that time and everyone got the hang of it means I'm the only one. I was so stressed out cuz...haihz..if you're there you'll feel the stress. Anyway, it's doing some "looking" and "poking", I tried out a technique. IT WORK! I was so damn glad. Finally..after almost an hour or so of throwing, picking, screaming, frustrating and stuff...*sighing ever so happily* Alryte..enough crapping. Hmm..nothing much today actually. Yesterday also quite boring. Nothing much to talk about. Oh, FYI, I fell down on Wednesday. It was damn funny! I haven't fell down in years..excluding the time I always trip on the stairs in skool. Oh well..the bad thing is, I sprained my arm when I fell. Sad. It hurts though. Till yesterday, it didn't hurt that much anymore. By today, I think it healed; not fully but...oklar...can be 'used'. Haha..If you guys wanna know how I fell, come and ask me lah..I very lazy to write in here...As for the Library Gathering..nothing much as usual...jz the performance paling menarik! Haha..I won't tell you ppl..wanna know? Wait till it's over than I'll say. Nolah..see lah..I got mood to tell you or not. Hehe...something is really wrong with me these a days. Very wrong. I know something's wrong. But no idea what got me. I'm getting evil-er and evil-er each day. My so-called 'goodness in me' is so totally gone from me. Well, I still help ppl and stuff, but all my sarcasm and erm..kindness...all disappeared into thin air. Oh well...guess that's what happened when you reach Form 4 and getting the pressure and stuff. Btw, I m now the Naib Bendahari for the Library Board. Means I've got 2 shocks of my life twice adi in one month. Oh plus another one. The lembing. Shock again when I was in the house team. So means...3 shocks of my life in a month. Let's hope if I ever get shocks again in the next few better be good. Just like this month. It's good enough to me. Oh well..happy and contented with my life. N i'm not bragging okay? To those who think I am. I'm jz 'revealing' my feelings' in this online journal. That's the whole point of having a blogger. Duh. Oopsie..looks like I gotta go now. C ya ppl! Byez..Cheerio selalu!
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
Thursday, January 27, 2005

In your eyes, people see kindness... You're just
so... so... so... Sweet! You're kind and love
to give others in need, a helping hand. You're
pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards
those you know, and those who know you best.
Your sanctuary would just be any place that is
warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You
love to show signs of affection to your lover
but a small simple talk does the trick as well
;) Sadly, your kindness can be used to your
disadvantage. People can use you, and take
advantage over your sweet and sensitive
mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind
and generous, people look up to you and adore
you ^-^ No one would dare hurt you because they
can't bear the thought of your sweet smile
turning into a frown :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, January 22, 2005
BORING!!!! I'M SO FREAKING FRUSTRATED RYTE NOW! MY SISTER IS TOTALLY CONTROLLING MY LIFE! SHE SO TOTALLY DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO, OKAY?! FOR GOD SAKE, SHE'S ONLY 12 YEARS OLD!!!! Gosh, I'm so bloody angry! I'm so sorry for the rude words I'm using but if you are mad...n really won't think it's rude at all!!! *taking deep breaths* I'll try to chill...and relax...*silence for a sec..* I CAN'T!!! YOU CAN'T CHILL IF YOU KNOW THAT YOUR LITTLE SISTER IS TAKING OVER YOUR LIFE!!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! This is probably the most angriest post I ever written...sighz...I can get pretty nasty when I get NEVER EVER MESS WITH ME! Hey...kewl..this happens to be the most colourful post as well..hahaha...I can also get quite colourful when I get mad...hmm...interesting..wakakakaakka...I've nothing to blog today actually..just quite guilty as I kind of "destroyed" Jeff's party. Bcuz of me...Kim and Eva decided not to conclusion: I think I'm grounded..for life! My conclusion of da day. Oh well..gtg now..byez...!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
BZ nye.aku...
It's already the ...thrid week since school starts. Oh well...I'm sure most of you will be like.."So?". Lame. Kayz...what I meant was I'm getting bz-er and bz-er each day..and by the end of my lessons and the beginning of my koko activities...I'll be having headache and totally lose my head! I'll turn really damn blur..and won't get a single thing you'll be saying! Experienced it laugh all you want. For example, like yesterday. I finished my class at 1.50 pm. Then...totally forgetting about having lunch, I ran around my corridor to search for Eva. She's supposed to be helping me for my "FAMILY" board in Bilik Pameran. I found out she already cabut ages ago...and getting frustrated, I ran all the way down to the library. Immediately my eyes were attracted to sumthing sticking on the board. It was a note telling all Digital members that there will be a meeting at 2pm. And my committee meeting is at 2.10pm. Jaw dropped, eyes popped out..I found Priya and she told me she knew I got committee meeting b4 I even said a word. PHew...Thank God she understand. Ryte now, my job is to get the computer that me and Pui Mun dragged all the way in front the other day, work. Deng...that's not a very nice job. Then, I ran all the way to the back room and started processing books. I only processed 2 books yesterday. How stupid. Then, while in the back room trying to find more books to process, Jeff came along and asked me something...[sorry I forgot]...I was trying to process what he was trying to say and the same time trying to process the book. In frustration, I ter-chopped the 'big chop' on the wrong side. I was already cursing in my heart and everyone else in the back room was laughing their heads off. I got whacked with a book by Jeff as I didn't processed what he said and even processed a book wrongly. [Thanks Jeff, for adding more toppings in my Cake Of Frustration] Was jz joking. Anyway, 2.10pm came n I hurried into the AV Room. Told Kenny that I processed only 2 books and I think he was straining not to laugh. Whatever. I was trying to turn on the air-cond in the room and FYI, the remote's in teacher's room. I found myself walking ALL the way out of the AV Room and got frustrated with myself again. And I noticed that I've been using the word "frustrated n frustrating" a lotz of time. Well, that's how I felt. The meeting was a bit calmer..this was Pei Kit who got frustrated. Even I got scared sitting next to her. I'll tell you more about what happened in class later. When da meeting is finally done, I hurried down with Aileen for house practice. When I saw my "teddy bear", I felt like hugging her and breaking down. Of cuz it's stupid to cry during house practice, so I screamed, stamped my foot, jumped around and felt teeny weeny better. Yesterday, we did high jump. I tried jumping but I realized I'd never make it when I was running as my shoe was the danger part. It's really big and...i think you get the picture. Hope you will..haha..kayz...okiez...i gtg now...l8r!
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Hey. Told you I'll blogged back. Anyway, actually this blog is specially for Louis. Well. Not specially. But just wish to "dedicate" this special thanks to him. Apparently, it's just a coincidence that "someone" wasn't there to help him in the first place. If not, I wouldn't have stand a chance. Helping him I mean. Okay. I'm being pathetic but...sorry...can't help it. Wish he won't be reading this. If not, he'll really think I'm sick or something. Alright! I'm crapping again! The whole point of this blog is to thank that so-called best friend of mine. I don't even think he remembers I'm his best friend. Who cares. Anyway, he actually asked me to help him in something which I thought I would never get involved in. I mean, he jarang let me in his part of 'conversation with someone'. What more than ask me to help him. For once, I really felt being "appreciated" when he asked me to help him. Of course, he owes me a LOT of testimonials..[but he only promised to write ONE!]..stuff for my handphone..hehe..o.k.a.y. I can 'see' that most of you don't understand the reason for this entry. Nevermind. Some things are better off not known. Once again...Thank You Louis! Sooo much!! I'm pathetic. Really. Okiez. Gtg now. Bye! Cheerio selalu!
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
Choir!..not AGAIN?
Choir, choir, lazy to go already...anyway, I was informed of this choir thingy a few days ago. Yeah, that means I have another performance on Tuesday. According to those people, the PM will be, in case he doesn't turn up, the whole thing will be cancelled immediately. If it's like that, waste my time only. So, I'm going out of school earlier tomorrow, not coming to school on Tuesday, and coming back to school after the Form 1,2,and 3 finish their school. That's for UBS. Hehe...semangat UBS! Actually, that's because I need to finish up my "Family Board" as I can't stay back and do it tomoro...since Hui Yat got her house practice anywayz...The only bad thing about this choir that I oh-so-don't-like is the fact that it ruins my plans for the days and stuff. Okay, let's see...on Saturday: I'm supposed to be taking pictures for the school koko cards, then after that..I'm supposed to go to KLCC or Sungai Wang to get my notebooks and ribbons for the board and stuff..Monday: I'm supposed to be studying, finishing my homeworks and completing my board...etc.etc.etc. Tuesday: again...I'm supposed to be studying and not get anything to interrupt my day. Oh well, guess I just have to live with it. Hehe...oopsie..gtg now..will continue updating later. C ya!
Friday, January 07, 2005
5th day of skool
Tick tock, tick tock
Time past fast
Do you wonder?
When we moan at boredom
And not groan at work?
We only live once
Live it full
Live it cool
Live it just the way you want.
Yo guys! How's school? For me, it's okay. It's still kewl. *I think* *Sigh*..I don't know what to got library meeting. Oh, as usual, I was writing in my notebook...listening to all the stuff...bla bla bla...Then they announced the Committee for Librarian Gathering 2005. So...I was like, "Kewl, got Gathering." Out of the blues, Han Yiau announced my name as Vice President. I almost dropped my pen! All my life, I've never taken up a post so..."tinggi". The most "tinggi" post I've taken up was my bendahari post last year. Yeah, and that was already a hard job. Vice president...?! But, I would love to thank the heads and whoever who agreed and trust that I could take up that post. Seriously...I think...that's VERY nice of you people to think I can take up that post. current dilemma....: Choir..OR..Orchestra? Should I go for choir? I mean..I've got a choir adi...oh..I got something to tell you guys..but not now.. Kay? I gtg now! Byez..!! Cheerio selalu!
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
Time past fast
Do you wonder?
When we moan at boredom
And not groan at work?
We only live once
Live it full
Live it cool
Live it just the way you want.
Yo guys! How's school? For me, it's okay. It's still kewl. *I think* *Sigh*..I don't know what to got library meeting. Oh, as usual, I was writing in my notebook...listening to all the stuff...bla bla bla...Then they announced the Committee for Librarian Gathering 2005. So...I was like, "Kewl, got Gathering." Out of the blues, Han Yiau announced my name as Vice President. I almost dropped my pen! All my life, I've never taken up a post so..."tinggi". The most "tinggi" post I've taken up was my bendahari post last year. Yeah, and that was already a hard job. Vice president...?! But, I would love to thank the heads and whoever who agreed and trust that I could take up that post. Seriously...I think...that's VERY nice of you people to think I can take up that post. current dilemma....: Choir..OR..Orchestra? Should I go for choir? I mean..I've got a choir adi...oh..I got something to tell you guys..but not now.. Kay? I gtg now! Byez..!! Cheerio selalu!
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
Monday, January 03, 2005
School finally starts... finally starts. After almost 2 months of holidays, I realized how much I missed school. I missed all my friends, my teachers...and yes I also missed my holidays. Haha...I wished I could just turn back time and all of us are still in Form 3. Honestly, I don't mind sitting PMR every year [said by Vic Kie which I found it quite true..] and NOT grow up. I mean, fine. I prefer going back to Form 2 but Form 3 is just the right "time". Going to Form 4 is so...different. Different syllables, different subjects, different 'stlye' of studying and stuff like that. Oh well. Guess I have to live with that for the whole year. Then, I probably get used to it by next year. Hopefully, time pass us by slow. Right. TOday, I came to school a bit later than I 'normally' do. I think that's because I woke up a bit late today. I couldn't hear my alarm, I couldn't even hear my mum! I only heard her for the second time when she started screaming! Hehe...Anyway, when I got to school I was feeling pretty normal. Very normal in fact. Until it was assembly time...I was STILL feeling normal..and nothing else..when they start calling out the classes and humans in those classes. Everyone was already mumbling, grumbling, and some are really scared! Finally, when it was time to sort out the Form 4's..I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. Everyone was going on their separate ways. After Lambda, it's Omega, then Gama...finally it was already Beta...I was holding on to Pei Jin's hand really tight. For some reasons, I was really afraid. Whether I'm gonna land in Beta or Alpha. No idea why that feeling crept all over me...scary..I then realized that Pei Jin is officially not landing in Beta and definitely in Alpha. At that very moment, I wondered why my name was so 'back'. Then, the moment came when the teacher announced my name. I was relieved! Lots of smarty pants in my class...scary also..they're all automatically in groups...left me all alone..:( Lucky got Azwin, Mei Ying and a few others to teman me! Hehe...oh well...I can't remember what happened in school already. I'll update again after this. Oh rather...I might only get to update once a week only..maybe! Sigh...gtg now..byez!
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Welcome 2005!!!
Oh well, 2004 came and went. Now, it's all about 2005. Hehe...anyway, today I went to Times Square with Kim, Eva and Jeff. Poor teddy bear [Sze Min] couldn't make it. *sniff* Hehe...O.K.A.Y...The 3 monster actually convinced me enough to sit on DNA Mixer. It's kewl! Ok. Maybe I don't really like it. It really got me all wobbly. Well, not as wobbly as that time when I sat the roller coaster. Hehe...unfortunately it happened on my birthday and you don't wanna know what happened next. Of course I didn't vomit or anything. was fun! DNA Mixer I mean. Ah...Kim and Eva were totally obsessed with the roller coaster. I mean they sat it for like...3 times!! And on their third time, the three of them totally dumped me for more than half an hour. Guys, next time...tell me if you think you're gonna line up long...I could've play something else...wakakakakak!!! The most "painful" one was the Oortz Express. (Is this how you spell that?) YEah...I seriously think they changed the speed or something. It got really fast. And I always got jelly legs everytime I come down from the thing. I kesian Jeff only. Always got squashed. Wakakakakakaka....TOo bad that thing doesn't allow 3 humans on one seat. I could've been squashed by Eva and Kim and enjoy it in the end. Nvm...Eva finally got me convinced in sitting on the Spinning Orbit. I found out that one was pretty kewl. At least it didn't go spinning as fast as I thought like the last time I saw it spinning away...hehe..quite kewl! None of them convinced me enough to sit on the roller coaster...AGAIN! And the Space Attack. Just looking at it can make me sick! Hello?! Even Eva the Kewl is afraid of the Space Attack, what about me? HEhe...get it? Nevermind...O.k.a.y..the Bumper Car was NICE! But it was quite painful. Strong impact. Eva saw me jumped up from my seat. Kewl, huh? So is the Dizzy Izzy. I like the wind. Okok...back to REALITY!!! School is starting in 2 days time, more day before school reopens!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!! I don't wanna go back to school! Are you nuts?! I don't wanna be so "old"..Form 4 already! Then...the nightmares begin...SPM...oh no..this is so not good...*going nuts again*...*muttering to myself*...this is not good...I'm missing holidays...*SNAP!* Sorry about that. Lost my marbles. Okok...I don't really have "New Year Resolutions"...but..I just wanna thank God for everything. There are too much to list everything lah! I must study hard for my Form 4..and 5...and SPM...bla bla life goes on. Oh well...guess this is the end of my blog for today. Happie New Year once again. Cheerio selalu! always...=D
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*
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