Friday, January 07, 2005

5th day of skool

Tick tock, tick tock
Time past fast
Do you wonder?
When we moan at boredom
And not groan at work?
We only live once
Live it full
Live it cool
Live it just the way you want.

Yo guys! How's school? For me, it's okay. It's still kewl. *I think* *Sigh*..I don't know what to got library meeting. Oh, as usual, I was writing in my notebook...listening to all the stuff...bla bla bla...Then they announced the Committee for Librarian Gathering 2005. So...I was like, "Kewl, got Gathering." Out of the blues, Han Yiau announced my name as Vice President. I almost dropped my pen! All my life, I've never taken up a post so..."tinggi". The most "tinggi" post I've taken up was my bendahari post last year. Yeah, and that was already a hard job. Vice president...?! But, I would love to thank the heads and whoever who agreed and trust that I could take up that post. Seriously...I think...that's VERY nice of you people to think I can take up that post. current dilemma....: Choir..OR..Orchestra? Should I go for choir? I mean..I've got a choir adi...oh..I got something to tell you guys..but not now.. Kay? I gtg now! Byez..!! Cheerio selalu!

*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*

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