Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Over the moon

I must be crazy. My results are officially coming out on the 16th of August, and here am I. Sitting here as if nothing is going to happen. What is wrong with me??!

Whatever happen to my adrenalin rush? The one that keeps your blood pumping, due to nervousness and fear and the million other emotions that you feel at the same time. I'm not feeling scared, in the least. I'm supposed to!!! Well, not scared. But, you know...the excitement, the fear, the suspense...or something!

That's it. A levels in my school is doing me no good. I shall prohibit anyone else from taking A levels in my school. It's for your own good.


Anonymous said...



Biopolymath said...

Oh what happened? If you feel you've not done that well, consider another attempt =) and learn up the psychology and physiology of peak performance.

You can fare better!