Monday, January 01, 2007

This new year...

Happy New Year! So long, 2006! I'll miss you! You definitely brought a lot of sweet memories, great achievements, great agony, great sorrows and great learnings. I learnt so much that I can only hope to carry them in my heart and treasure the moral in it. For the past 16 years of my life, I never made resolutions for my own. Mentally, one or two might have past cross my mind, but obviously, soon forgotten. This year, however, I feel like making my first ever list of resolutions, which of course, I will be revealing it to you soon. Mind you, I'm hoping that whoever reads got to make sure I KEEP my resolutions. So, this new year...I'm going to try to make the best of it. Right. Well, I don't have my resolutions ready now, patience. I'll post it up when I am done thinking about it. :) School's starting soon. I feel so...out of place. I miss being in school, I miss going back to school every single day just to see my friends again! Sigh...I feel so old now. Poor me. I don't want to grow up! Can I stay here, stay as I this..forever? Nonsense. :( I'm drifting to dreamland again...

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