Friday, December 15, 2006

High school prom - A night to remember (2)

It was merely a twist of luck when I was finally granted the permission to attend my high school prom. Yesterday, I spent the half the day, going here and there just to get ready for the night. The day started of with Iman's prom dress fittings. Me, Iman and Da were at Great Eastern Mall, trying to sort out Iman's dress...which didn't exactly turn out to her expectations. I won't describe much about it, but so there! When we finally picked the right dress for Iman, we left for Ampang Point to do our hair, which was quite in a rush, seeing that we were already behind the schedule. In the car on our way to Ampang Point, Aunty (Iman's mom) feels that my original dress wasn't really suitable for the night, so she decided to borrow a dress from the same designer for me (Thank you so much, Aunty!). Since I can't upload my pictures now (my computer's got problem), so all pictures will have to wait. Of course, I can always steal photos from my other lovely friends. =D! Okay, so, my hair was tied up in a simple way (not very sure how it looks like from the back cause I vaguely remember the style the lady did for me) but it's actually messy but neat looking thingy. Ah! You'll see later. Da's hair...well..not the way she wanted it but she made it look great later on. Iman's hair was simple blown messy straight type, as the curls didn't work out for her. I'll cut out all the um... not so nice parts. he he...So, we rushed home, changed and here comes the troublesome part: make-up. To Da, it's easy. To people like me, ALLAH! Banyak susah! I scrap by well anyway, thanks to the countless of concerts I had (choir), I learnt to befriend these colourful thingy. Hmm..actually, they're not so bad. I had fun, too! He he he! Green is my theme for the night! Oh MY GOODNESS! I just realized something...I was green the whole night, practically, I was green every single day in school...even NOW I have to be in GREEN??? Oh gosh. Whatever. It's already over. Anyway, we were really late by the time we got that and all, it was already halfway through. So, we finally got ourselves in, settle down...I was seated on a VI table. So the company was all guys except me and two other girls whom I don't know. Oh well, only one dude introduced himself, the rest were too...hmm..."busy" to bother. I definitely had more conversation with the girl next to me! LOL! The bands were pretty loud though. :) I didn't get to enjoy the food. Poor me. Had to starve a little while. But of course, later on, hunger was the last thing on my mind. When the dance floor was "officially" open to everyone else, with the music playing, everyone went wild! Ha ha! Oh well, there's pretty much for today. This is going to be a really long post. So, this is merely part one! Part two will come by shortly. With the pictures uploaded I hope. Honestly, it had been a great night. :-)

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