Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! O.K. How's your Christmas? Hehe, frankly speaking...mine's pretty bored. Yeah, stayed at home all day and not going out with anyone. *sigh* I'm distracted by the TV. 8TV's showing this really great show. It's SOOOOO SWEET!!! I think most of you know who is Daniel Wu right? In that show, he's so sweet and so cute...O.K! I'm being pathetic!!! Lol...I think all the lonliness and Christmas mood had finally "brought" me down. =D Hey, I need to go tackle some guy who is a bit wacko at the brain. Haha..c ya people! Byez...Cheerio selalu!

*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*

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