Friday, December 31, 2004

Best Day of My Life..

This is like...the best day of my life man! Second best day lah...the first guys know lah...when I collect my PMR results...Today, I get my "dream phone"..after sooooo many months dreaming of it..I finally get my hands on it...*sighing happiely* *tears in my eyes* I'm totally glad..and I almost couldn't believe it! I was walking away with my mum..then..suddenly..I started laughing to myself..and my mum..again...told me I'm nuts! Haha...biasa already..being called a nutter...! Oh well, I told my mum to pinch me, she did. Really hard too! At least I know I'm not dreaming! My sis was "glad" I got the new phone. 'Cause for her, new phone means more kewl games! Lol..weird sis..she took about 5 pics with my phone...but one bad thing about the phone is..the pics colours are not nice. It's quite blurly...but..nevermind..I'm so glad I've got it! When I was looking at the phone..[before I buy it], my mum was asking for all sorts of brand and she made me go nuts and I started hitting my head...I wanted to tell her to stop..but just looking at every single one of them are sooooo 'chun-ted'!! the end, I chose my 'dream-phone'! Still love it! Tee hee...I memang 'keras kepala'...oopsie! I gtg now! Byez..Cheerio selalu! Happie New Year!!!

*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*The Dumpsters President logging off*

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