Sunday, November 14, 2004


Hi ppl...guess what? Eva jz dumped me for Singapore! Can you believe that? So evil...:(! Well...I am so *head over heels* with Sony Ericsson's hp...not a very old n not a very new's Z600! I loved the design! I's just so KEWL!! So every1 who's reading this...PLS, PLS, PLS...PRAY that I get straight A's for my PMR...i really wnat that hp!!! I it...unless u love me much more than urself n 'sanggup' fork out sum money for it! :p..hehe..OH..well..i suggest i better stop ryte case you wanna hear me crap more about my phone?? =P...cheerio selalu! byes...oh..SelaMat HarI RayA!! Luv u guys lots...

*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*DuMPsTeRs President logging off*

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