Friday, November 12, 2004

"That Girl Was Me"

Hiya! Look..i changed my mind..Avril's song is no longer stuck to my head...its...

"That girl was a one-time teenage drama queen...A hyped-up everyday wannabe...But she'll have changed her destiny..Now she's a somebody...That girl was a wild child dreamer but she'll find herself...Cuz she believes in nothing else...Then you'll look back and you won't believe...That girl was me..." on..okay...anyway..that song stuck in my head...n it seemed to be telling me to believe with myself or sumthing..haha..weird dad got bored of it adi..haha..too bad..i've been singing the whole day...the same song..over n over again...i seriously think im going mad...:P...As dead bored...i dunno what to say...oOoh..i like this rap part from Drama Queen (That Girl)..i like that part..dunno why..

"Life is a work of art..ya gotta paint it colourful..You can make it anything you want..You don't have to stick to any rules...You don't need a high IQ...To succeed in what you do..You just gotta have no doubt..Just believe, in yourself.."

Kewl huh? I find it...nice..hehe...well..ok...i gtg now...Luv ya ppl 4 reading my craps..c ya!Cheerio selalu...bye!

*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*DuMPsTeRs President logging off*

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