Friday, November 26, 2004


Hey every1!'s life lately? computer has been fixed..but the problem is; everything in the computer is permaneantly gone!! GONE!! So, I'm kinda depressed ryte now as my beloved computer is like...almost dead!! But..hopefully my dad could fix it..n hopefully aS well he could fix it QUICKER!! I really really miss my's kinda really bored..i jz..sat on my desk..feeling very tired n my whole body's kinda aching...n my brain system is "shuting" itself down..n's giving me a terrible headache 4 the rest of the day...o.k.a.y. i dunno what to write now..i think i'll probably hang out at Sze Min's blog! Hehe..u dun mind do u, if i jz say bye now?? hehe..c ya ppl! Cheerio selalu! Byez...

*KBSM AJK logging off*
*Blur Club President logging off*
*Weird Club President logging off*
*DuMPsTeRs President logging off*

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