Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bits and pieces of here and there.

Just finished video shooting on Sunday. Got terribly sunburnt it's not funny. I will post some pictures later on, when I see fit. This week is my last week in school. After this, I'll be having a month long holidays. Seriously, it's going to be a long holiday. Then again, when I think of the tests, assignments and studies I have to do during the one month holiday...it's not so long anymore. Yes, we (students in school) have been forewarned that there will be tests after the holidays. God bless. I already have an essay for Biology to write about. A 2000-words long essay. If I'm not mistaken, my essay is on "Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, Causes and Effects". Something like that. Physics is still understandable for now. I have not reach the level where my brain just snap and become brain dead. Chemistry is also fine. Maths is taking on a different kind of turn. We finally finish Core 3 Mathematics (really fast!) and won't be starting Mechanics until after the holidays. Small test tomorrow. If you're wondering why am I still here, blogging...let me assure you, I have no idea! On Thursday, my school will be having a little picnic sort of trip to some waterfall somewhere. I guess it'll be cool. And we, Biology students, will be heading to Carlsberg sometime in October. Will produce great pictures then, hopefully.

Till then.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

1. Do you ever lie about your age?
Well, maybe once...or twice. =D!

2. Do you prefer "sensitive boys"or "tough guys"?
I would prefer a balance of both. I mean, who wants any guy who is TOO sensitive or TOO tough?

3. Do you prefer blonde or dark haired guys?
Dark haired, please! But if I were to ever ever end up with a blonde guy...well, can't be helped I suppose...*shrugs*

4. Are you currently single?
Hmm...let's see... that's for me to know, and for you to find out. =P!

5. How many things in your past do you regret?
I don't know. But I don't plan to regret it.

6. Do you have a best friend?
Well...not exactly. I believe I said sometime before that I no longer believe in best friends...

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A nurse. ;)

8. Who was the last person you hugged?
I think it was Shara. Or was it Iman...? Hmm..either way, I hugged the both of them.

9. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Broken...hmm...maybe. Maybe not.

10. Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery?
Nope. Never thought about it, and never will.

11. Do you like your life?
Well...yes. I mean, nothing's wrong with it. :)

12. Do you shop at Hollister?

13. Has one of your friends ever stolen a girlfriend from you?
Girlfriend as in my goody goody friend? I think that happened when I was ancient.

14. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
I guess so. There must be someone. I'm human.

15. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
I don't know exactly. Maybe I have more girl friends. Does it matter?

16. How long have you had friendster?
4 years I should think.

17. Have you ever cheated on someone?

18. Has anyone ever cheated on you?
Girl or guy? Well, no too I guess.

19. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
I wished I had!

20. What is one of your biggest fears?
Heigts. =/

21. Have you ever skipped class?
Yes. Form 4! How playful I was then...

22. Has anyone close to you ever passed away?
Not that I recall of...
23. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Not really but...maybe.

24. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
Yes. ;)!

25. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"?

26. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out that you were right?Sometimes.

27. Do you ever wish you were famous?
In what sense? Oh yes yes.. hee hee!

28. Do u ever wish u were a woman?
In the process of becoming one but...I do enjoy staying young. =D!

29. Do you think men smell nice in cologne?
Depends on what cologne they're using. Some cologne just stink.

30.The moment of terror!
Tagging whoever who bothers doing this. :)

*I have to say, I'm terribly bored. You can't blame me!

I've been tagged. Twice.


Colour the statements green that are true to you.
Colour the statements orange that you WISH are true.

Leave the fibs alone.Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.
Lets begin.

I’m 170cm tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment.
I’m not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
He drives.
I’m bored of driving.
I have a white handbag.
I love dancing.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star.
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs.
90% of my friends smoke.
I think I’m going to die before my friends that smoke.
The last time was. (Huh?)
I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
I’m studying Fashion.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone.
I have 10 Guess handbags.
I buy CLEO every month.
My parents doesn’t know about my blog.
I have an iPod.
I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
My college mates knows about my blog.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
I love rock emo bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
I’m a rebel.
I’m starting to like wearing dresses.
I don’t believe in love.
High school was filled with drama.
My parents have faith in me.
I’ve bought shoes this month.
A blogger bitched about me before.
I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs.
People would start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have red hair.
One Utama is my second home.
I miss hanging out with the bloggers.
I’m a guy.
I’m scared of my Biology exam which I’m going to face tomorrow.
I hate vacations.
We’ll last.
I believe in long distance relationships.
I’m going to get high and smoke weed in US.
I’ve robbed an old lady.
Host a talk show.
That Guess watch.
I’m starting to like applying make-up.
I was a tomboy.
At time I think I still am a tomboy.
I love bitching about people behind their backs.
I still have a best friend.
I have a cat.
I hate surprise parties.
I hate planning parties.
I’m hot.
I’m a sinner.
I’ve got a DS light.
I have a Wii.
I can live without music.
Video games are a waste of time.
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love.
I know how to cook.
I have 100% freedom.
Boys are assholes.
I miss Pn Hamidah. (Who is that?)
I hate Math.
I’m happy with what I have.
I love horror films.
I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Freddy-Krugger when I was a kid.
My old friends keep in touch with me.
I don’t read newspapers.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can’t live without make-up.
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 11 year old car. (I wish I have a car)
I hate people that are smart.
I love Orange juice.
I can’t drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love swimming.
I haven’t worked out since March.
I think I’m fat.
I love my friends and family.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I've been tagged.

Blogger Idham has pledged to donate RM 127.00 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage in Bangi for every tag completed before 26 August 2007. It’s so simple, all you need to do is to complete any 17 sentences from the 27 listed below (that’s the tag) and drop Idham a comment over at the tag’s original page here.

This tag is for a charity cause!

1. A person is only as good as his heart.
2. Friendship is always bliss.
3. To love is to care.
4. Money makes me .......
5. I miss being a kid.
6. My way of saying I care is by .............................
7. I try to spread love and happiness by................
8. Pick the flowers when they blossom.
9. To love someone is to .............
10. Beauty is only skin deep.
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was ..............
12. When I was twenty one, I remember.........................
13. I am most happy when I'm me.
14. Nothing makes me happier than seeing happiness itself.
15. If I can change one thing, I will change nothing.
16. If smiles were to cure , then I would heal everyone in the world.
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could erase discriminations?
18. If you want to .............then you have to ................
19. Money is not everything but without money, we have nothing.
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is when I see babies come into the world.
21. I smile when I'm bliss.
22. When I am happy, I laugh.
23. If only I don't have to ..............., then.........................
24. The best thing I did yesterday was...........................
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title, "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"
26. One thing I must do before I die is to love and be loved, for the very last time, alive.
27. Doing this meme, I feel like ............................

I'm tagging:

Everyone who has a blog. Including those in my friends' list. By doing this, you are contributing RM127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage.

*Makes me think. I'm pretty sure my words are straight from my heart. It's been a long while...

What luck.

Contrary to Jesse McCartney's song, "Best Day of My Life", yesterday...wasn't my best. You see, I've been going to Putrajaya since Friday for rehearsals. The concert is happening today, Sunday. Every night, we finished at about midnight. By the time we actually leave Putrajaya, it was already almost 12.30am. And by the time we reached KL, it was already almost 1am. Frustrating, isn't it? That's beside the point. The thing is, we have to wait for 2 hours before we're supposed to go up stage and perform. Do you feel my 'pain'? The boredom...oh, how it kills! So, as usual, yesterday was pretty much the same. THEN, comes the suffering. I was attacked by sharp jolts of pain in my stomach and no, it's not I-need-to-use-the-toilet pain. It's this annoying pain that I'm sure most of you experienced it before. The one that comes suddenly and ceases...and then returns with full force. Unfortunately, giddiness and nauseating comes in the package as well. I was cursing because, I'm so so far away from home. If it had happened at home, it wouldn't be too bad because I'm at home.

If you were there, you'd be able to see me muttering to myself, cursing under my breath..etc. I think the pain overtook my brain. Because, I was striking a bargain with my stomach ache. You can imagine the ridiculous situation taking place. Well, everything was fine...until I reached KL. My friend dropped me off at a Petronas station as my parents were waiting for me there. I got into the car, finally thanking my lucky stars because I'm one step closer to home...when suddenly, disaster came crashing down.

The.Car.Won't.Start. AH!!!!! Apparently, the battery died. We have no other choice but to try to get home with a cab. Again, visualize this scene:
4 people; 3 dressed for home, 1 dressed in a funny looking dress (me). Standing at the side of the road, trying to catch a cab. God was merciful, for we did catch a cab. I finally reached home at about 1.30am.

Home sweet home. Everything was alright after that.

Thank God.

The concert tonight will be live on TV. RTM 1, I think. But if any of you harbour any hope of seeing me on TV, give it up. We won't be performing until late at night, about 11 pm. The end of the show. What 'bliss'. Good luck to me. I hope I can wake up tomorrow, in time for school. Bless me.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

"I am sorry." One of the hardest phrase in life.

I realized that it's hard for me to apologize to certain things. Somehow, saying those words was difficult, even when I know I'm wrong. Yes, those around me might disagree, seeing that I say sorry most of the time just because.

For example, I had an argument with my mom just the other day. Of course, out of anger, I said something that I really did not mean. The moment I let it slipped, I regretted saying it AT ALL! I knew that I hurt my mom real bad the minute I said those words. Unfortunately, I can't take it back. In my head, I was replaying those moments and trying so hard to rectify the situation. Of course, in my head, I was brave and those words come easy to me. When I try to say it out loud...it won't come. The words are at the tip of my tongue and yet...they won't come.

That was when I knew, my pride is there after all. It runs in the family, I should think.

Oh, by the way, I did apologize to my mom. It was difficult, but I made myself do it.

"Sorry seems to be the hardest word."
Now I know what this means.